Water hash quick easy and cheap : )


Hey guys check out my first attempt at hash, she was from a white widow seed check out my other entries for more info, basically I used 25 gs dry shake and it was good quality shake at that ; ), ice, a cake whisk, a mason jar , cheap filter paper, a sieve, and a fan to dry the excess water from the hash sludge ;). I started off with the shake chucked it into the mason jar, put some ice in , about 3/4 full or its going to get messy, electric whisked it until it was foamy on the top and ice was blended in , then let it sit for like 10 mins or so till you see a nice layer of brown at the bottom, be careful and scoop the leaf matter on the top out of the mason jar , try not to disturb the brown at the bottom, you will no matter how hard you try, let it sit again for 10 mins then get a sieve and run it liquids through until most of plant matter is gone , you can keep the leafy matter if you want for round 2 it does work again but depends how well you sieve it and filter it the first time so just save time and filter and sieve properly :). let the liquid sit again until the layer of brown appears again at the bottom then slowly , SLOWLY, pour it through the filter again until the liquid is about a inch from the bottom , then I just chucked the mix of hash and liquid into a bowl. Stick a fan on it for a few hours and wait for the liquid to evaporate. check on it from time to time and try and get it before its bone fry on the bowl but more as a sludge form . believe me you will know when its sludge and not liquid. then do as you please smoke it eat it boast about it youtube it make oil need I go on.....DSCF0826.jpgDSCF0834.jpgDSCF0912.jpgDSCF0913.jpgDSCF0914.jpgDSCF0916.jpgDSCF0835.jpgDSCF0836.jpgDSCF0831.jpgDSCF0832.jpgDSCF0833.jpgDSCF0827.jpgDSCF0828.jpgDSCF0829.jpgDSCF0830.jpg


Well-Known Member
pretty cool method man. how long did it take you total and what was the final yeild about a gram?

prolly couldnt do this method with like a pound of shake tho and prolly get much more going with the micron bag method.
but pretty sick DIY method bro good shit. rep for creativeness.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, but would've been easier to get the steps down if the pics were in order.

Dude, don't you know this is a FORUM!??!!? What exactly are you expecting us to do here, READ?!??!


Thanks people, hahaha I should've done really my bad, so all in all it took about a half a day to do not long at all as its so simple the boring bits are waiting for the hash to settle and re filtering it a few times, im sure if I made the effort and had more patience it could've been a lot better but im definitely not complaining as I know im smoking pure reefer madnesss! the jobs done and I have a decent bit of powder, ill update on weight asap : )