Water Only Soil?

This is from Coot:
If you can get your hands on alpaca manure then that would be the one I would suggest you go with because even organic horse operations have to use various vermicides which is especially true if the horses spend a lot of time in pastures and are dining on the native or planted grasses. However once the horse manure has been aged for 4 – 6 weeks these vermicides are degraded making them safe to use in your worm bins.

You would need to ask the alpaca owners whether their animals are treated with vermicides and if that is the case you’ll need to do the same thing, i.e. letting it set for a few weeks.

I might test this out. Take material either after it 'aged' (or just compost it) and add a little to a corner of the worm bin.. See if they dig in, or stay clear.

alpaca is some good shit, I have used it for many many harvests, for like three yrs straight it was my primary nutrient, that and some kelp and minerals and I was good to go.
After using rabbit manure i'd go with that one though, especially considering people don't usually give rabbits a bunch of meds/anitbiotics... uh... do they?
I don't raise rabbits... so i'm kinda talkin out my ass here...
heh always reminds me of ace ventura...
"may I ass you a question?"
"asshoooole amijo!"
ahhh good shit.
DP, I don't know of any done on cannabis specifically. If I come across anything I will let you know.

I often think about this. For how much longer, or even now, can we call stuff from the sea organic? Glorious times indeed.

sooo true brother, so true.
The air alone is so full of shit ... believe me, i'm a smog technician...
the shit that comes out of cars... people don't get it, just don't get it, the air and water aren't renewable it just swirls and gets dirtier and dirtier, the both of them do. Couple that with our dramatically decreasing forests and increase in total engines (many believe India is on the verge of their "industrial era" ) Sure to a degree we can sorta clean them, but certain toxins don't go away... mercury freaks me out, lead freaks me out, and uranium freaks me out... Not to mention the hundreds of other compounds that I can't pronounce much less spell..
China's air doesn't have a fence around it...
There's no place to run guys.. Our fishtank is only so big...
Honestly guys... everything that I know about kelp... i'd say it's a fairly educated guess to make, that kelp may in fact be loaded with other shit in it, just based on the whole growth attributes it has, an analogy that comes to mind would be a dandelion grown next to a highway.. the dirt is bound to be full of toxins, and dynamic accumulators I would guess, may absorb some of those toxins..
again speaking out my ass..
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sooo true brother, so true.
The air alone is so full of shit we... believe me, i'm a smog technician...
the shit that comes out of cars... people don't get it, just don't get it, the air and water aren't renewable it just swirls and gets dirtier and dirtier, the both of them do. Couple that with our dramatically decreasing forests and increase in total engines (many believe India is on the verge of their "industrial era" ) Sure to a degree we can sorta clean them, but certain toxins don't go away... mercury freaks me out, lead freaks me out, and uranium freaks me out... Not to mention the hundreds of other compounds that I can't pronounce much less spell..
China's air doesn't have a fence around it...
There's no place to run guys.. Our fishtank is only so big...
Honestly guys... everything that I know about kelp... i'd say it's a fairly educated guess to make, that kelp may in fact be loaded with other shit in it, just based on the whole growth attributes it has, an analogy that comes to mind would be a dandelion grown next to a highway.. the dirt is bound to be full of toxins, and dynamic accumulators I would guess, may absorb some of those toxins..
again speaking out my ass..

Amen to all of that! The shit that we breath, drink, and eat is full of toxins and heavy metals. Check out this article that was posted in a different section...
