Water pump question, manual or gas?


Active Member
Hi, imagine a completly fictive situation where you have lots of plants in a nice clearing in a forest. A nice stream of fresh water would be available less than 60 meters away.

How would you water if you woudnt want manually?
Where can you find this pump?
Does a manual one exist?
how much?


Active Member
Also, is it possible to arrange something with a car battery? How? Which type of pump?


t dub c

Well-Known Member
I would use mainline/ polly tubbing at 3/4. And have it gravity feed your plants. All set up on spagetti with drip emitters. so the whole system is pressureized. You could even go buy and outdoor battery powered water timer and set that up aswell.


Active Member
I prefer to top dress with fertilizer and then just water over it. It's alot harder to be covert when you have black polytube and emitters all over the place.

Generally you shouldn't have to water often enough to require a full irrigation setup.


Active Member
dont be a lazy ass? you dont fully realize the situation. I can assure you im not lazy.