I mix what I need for the week,( two feedings,) I do this is a five gal culanary bucket, If you know someone who works in the food industry they are free. I mark them and use use them. I do not keep the bucket in the grow area and I will keep an airstone bubbling.
Put a lid over it to keep shit out of it. I know my water and nutes so worring about ph swing isn't such an issue. My nutes don't swing. UNWANTED bacteria isn't really an issue either. If you run a tight ship, and dont grow in a sewer. Most bacteria found feeding in nutes are absolutly benificial, and aren't going to damage your plants, in "ANY" way. When we cold brew compost tea. for use in Any media, yes including hydro ( simply fine strain your tea). We use Unsulfered molassass, (blackstrap), The sugars in this blackstrap," feed" the bacteria that break-down the organic food, and make it readily accessable to your girls. So mr SUPER STONER hotrodharley's coment was a pretty unfounded, -Unsupported, bunch of hooey. Bacteria can effect your plant, no mistake but it does not grow in nute water after a couple of days. I grow bacteria in nute tea for 4 days before I feed it to my plants. heres some bacteria infected plants right here!