Water run after QWET per Skumkpharm


Well-Known Member
I was reading the Skunkpharm site about QWET extractions. After doing two runs with ethanol. it says to do one with water. So I figured what the hell and did so. I left water in the ball jar with the bud post two ethanol runs. Then per the instructions, I heated out the water, using a rice cooker in my case RSO style (they talk about a fondue pot but I don't own one). From there they say to winterize with everclear and evap...

So here is my deal. I did everything as explained. But when I tried to dissolve it in everclear for the winterizing, it doesn't dissolve in. The stuff was like a thick caramel and just sat in the everclear. I took it out of the everclear and threw in the freezer overnight to see if it would harden, which it did, kind of. Best way to describe is like a plyable plastic texture.

No here is where it gets weird to me. When I went to clean out the stuff I had used, my normal ISO or ethanol wouldn't work. But water did.

1.) what do I have. Is it just straight plant matter (thus the water cleaning up the utensils)?
2.) Should I dissolve into as small an amount of water as possible and then add ethanol and put in freezer to winterize?
3.) Anything I am missing
Ive had hard oil that wouldn't dissolve in 95% ethanol(everclear) right away but if i left it for a day it would. How long did you leave the thick caramel stuff(is it rock hard?) in the everclear before putting it in the freezer? If it was only for a few minutes i would just leave it at room temp overnight or break it up a bit first and do the same.

In my mind its kinda pointless to do anything more than 2 runs. Doing a water run would only be to take what alchohol is left on the plant matter which isnt going to be very much unless you are doing massive runs and if you are you really shouldn't be worried about loosing 1-2% of your oil.

As for your questions:
1.) I would guess you have a mixture of waxes/cannabinoids/plant matter. If its really dark i would bet there is a lot more plant matter than anything else.
2.) It cant hurt to try, i would use warm water and room temp ethanol.
3.) In the end you're just planning around with the leftovers of your extraction so you can keep trying. Maybe if you keep the stuff you get from that water wash over a few runs you can add it to some butter/oil and made some decent edibles.

Hope i helped and best of luck
Thanks whatstrain,
Yes, this is purely for shits and giggles. It didn't make much sense when I read it, but figured why not give it a go. I left it for a few hours in the alcohol. And now I am wondering whether I used my Everclear or my 100% Ethanol. I have a virtually new bottle of everclear and from the looks of it, too full. So... I am thinking I will (a) take a hit to see (b) if results of A don't make me go "yeah", I will put in everclear overnight. Maybe the added water in everclear would help.
Depends what abv% Everclear you have. I know most places its only 70%(or 75%) and we have 95% so if "A" doesnt work and you have 70% you're correct and wont need to add water, even the 5% water in 95% Everclear is probably enough to help dissolve whatever substance you have. If you have a chance can you get pictures up of the stuff before hand? im curious
Has been sitting in 190 proof everclear about three hours, nothing happening. Do they really make lower proof everclear now? I will take a pic when i head back upstairs and post tmrw. Shit is weird, like slightly gooey vinyl or silicone.

I took one tiny hit. Did not taste good but seemed to have impact. But there may have been some dried QWET scraps in there as well. But didn't taste like the good stuff...
MY camera was dead when I went to take a pic last night. Attached is how it looked after sitting in 190 everclear overnight. Its shape was in tact from when I put it in there. After taking the pic, I tried to pull it out of the everclear and it broke up. In short, it was dissolving or breaking up. After mixing it I would say about 70% was into the solution. I have it on a coffee warmer right now to get the rest into solution and will proceed with winterizing.\

Excellent point that Skumkpharm may be anticipating someone running batches more than 1.5 oz or so of bud,....


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I've followed the same instructions and had the same result.

A black tar that hardened like rock. Smoked like shit and tasted the same.

I gave it to a buddy who still smokes pieces of it 6 months later when he's low. So there's something leftover that's medicating.
So here are the results. Took the stuff. Dissolved it in 190 everclear overnight and with some heat (note: was still not 100% dissolved but close). Froze for two days. Attached is a pic collage I put together showing at each stage. It was still a little runny for me so it is still on blade drying some more. But is was dried just with a fan blowing on it.

Overall: very dark. Scraped easily. Smells - well the only thing I can think of is kind of like pee. Or pee-like but not noxious. It is kind of hard to work with because it was too wet. But I took a small (dry rice piece approx.) and threw on top of a deead bowl that still had some ash in it. Taste - a little "ashy" or stale smokelike. Not good, but not atrocious. Impact: at first I thought it was bunk. Immediate impact seemed to be just from the resin in the pipe. But then it came on pretty well. I would describe as definitely mellowing, medicincal overall but with the dichotomy of rapid heartbeat. In some ways, it reminded me of when I was an idiot and took a hit of Spice. But only in that heartbeat aspect.

Net result - The big question - will I do a water run the next time I extract (BTW, this one was about 1.5 oz of good bud)? I am not sure. I don't think I want to smoke or vape this stuff, but may try in some edibles and see what peeps think. I am not into edibles myself. It's easy enough to do along side the real extract, but still not sure worth enough to bother.


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