water temp??


Hi all, ive looked at some of the guides but cant find some solid anwsers to some questions so thought i'd post them here.

First ill give my setup.
I have a wardrobe wich is 6 foot tall 3 foot wide and 2 foot depth, in one side half way up i have a 5 inch extraction fan from a bathroom and the opposite side to that i have five 1 inch holes arranged like a number 5 on a dice, so 2 at the top 2 at bottom and 1 in the middle. I have a 250W CFL and a 42W T5 (i think it is) on the back wall. I have 2 20 litre buckets (black in color) with 1 air tube and 2 airstones attatched to it wich are about 1 inch long. This is my first hydro grow i have done and i have some jack herer planted up, only one bucket in use atm as i plan to take a cutting for the second bucket.

My questions are:
what temp should my water be??
Can i turn the pump off at night say between midnight and 7am??
Can i use jeyes fluid to clean the buckets with when i refresh the water each week. I am in a very hard water area and had a big buildup of white lime/calcium i think it was when my water temps went real high last week, This happened over about 8 days and left hard white stuff in the bucket. I cant really afford to use additives in with my nutes to combat this nor do i want to put too much things in at once with my nutes etc. Ill try attatch a pic of the cupboard.

ps, i am using vitalink nutes and my temp inside the cupboard is now about 30 - 35c.

Thanks for any help.


Your water should be about 10 degrees cooler (dont know the conversion in C) than your outside temp. My water is maybe a little cooler than lukewarm say about 65 to 70. Warmer water tends to bring on algae and fungus problems for me.

As for your air pump(if that what ya talking about) that baby needs to be running 24 hrs a day. If your pump is off or burns out then your roots will drown in a short period of time. They need a constant supply of oxygen and its good to keep the nutes moving around in your tub.

I never used jeyes so I can't say. Hope this helps you out a bit. Good luck with your grow!


Thanks caregivers, what do you think to the setup? anything need doing differently you think?. Yeh i just wondered if i could turn the air pump off at night.


I cant see it in the pix, do you have ventilation?

Other than that you look like you are good to grow.
Yes i got ventilation m8 its those 5 holes on the left hand side and a 5 inch extraction fan that you can see on the right hand side. Do you think that light will be ok for the whole grow? its a 2700 but used from the beginning, the guy at my local hydro shop told me not to bother buying both bulbs ie the 2700 & 6400, he said as im only growing like hobbyist and will have at most 2 plants that it wouldnt make much difference. So i went with what he said and saved £50 in the process, oh the T5 strip light in the background is a blue spectrum so i do have some blue. Thanks
Oh ok I see the fans now.

2700 is good for veg and the high kelvins are good for flowering. Think you should be allrite for now.
