Water: The Most Essential Compound


Well-Known Member
Used it before I got a portable RO system. Worked great for me but was a pain in the but lugging water around town.


Well-Known Member
Hey! What a great thread/journal. I have also wondered about my water. I had to buy a RO filter as the tap water was EC 0.45. I tried to switch to coco and was unsure about whether to add tap water to EC 0.2 or mono nutes, Ca to EC 0.2, then Mg to EC 0.4 then N (for veg) to EC 0.5 then the nutes. One person even told me to do both?
If I only add mono nutes, isn't EC 0.4 too high in Ca and Mg for my veg period if I'm on EC 0.8 - 1.0 ??I've gone back to soil in the meantime.

What shall I add ?? Please help !!! Thank you
I don't do coco or hydro............sorry.:cry: Try the hydro forum my friend!;-)


great thread man. iv been working on a 5 stage ro system and this help out, you ever hear of viktor schauberger or his work on the quantum energy effects of water. its pretty much the next step after ROing engineers have been use a couple of his design for treating crop water


Well-Known Member
Im so glad your still answering post on here Mr. Ganja !! very interesting read. Can you answer this question please water guru !!?

Ive got two types of water i can use from two different stores, heres the mineral analysis (in mg/litre)

Calcium = 52.18
Magnesium = 5.37
Potassium = 2.87
Sodium = 28.65
Bicarbonate = 162.0
Chloride = 16.53
Sulphate = 49.90
Nitrate = 3.78
pH = 7.93

Calcium = 10.0
Magnesium = 2.5
Sodium = 9.0
potassium = 2.0
Bicarbonate = 25.0
Chloride = 12.0
Sulphate = 10.0
Nitrate = 11.0
pH = 6.2

The pH isnt that relevant because i got my pH up and down additives, but can you tell me if there is a type of water here that i really should avoid ?? Theyre both really different. Would it be best to mix them together 50:50 ??
Thanks ! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Im so glad your still answering post on here Mr. Ganja !! very interesting read. Can you answer this question please water guru !!?

Ive got two types of water i can use from two different stores, heres the mineral analysis (in mg/litre)

Calcium = 52.18
Magnesium = 5.37
Potassium = 2.87
Sodium = 28.65
Bicarbonate = 162.0
Chloride = 16.53
Sulphate = 49.90
Nitrate = 3.78
pH = 7.93

Calcium = 10.0
Magnesium = 2.5
Sodium = 9.0
potassium = 2.0
Bicarbonate = 25.0
Chloride = 12.0
Sulphate = 10.0
Nitrate = 11.0
pH = 6.2

The pH isnt that relevant because i got my pH up and down additives, but can you tell me if there is a type of water here that i really should avoid ?? Theyre both really different. Would it be best to mix them together 50:50 ??
Thanks ! :weed:
I would be inclined to use the second one. It has much lower Na. The Nitrate seems a bit high, but probably manageable. I would use the second one as a starting point and then you can mix the 2 if you don't like what you are seeing. If you are doing soil, don't worry too much about pH. As long as you are using properly pH adjusted soils (usually well limed) you shouldn't have to worry about your pH.


New Member
a little known fact,totally pure water will kill you if you drink too much of it.as it has no mineral content what so ever,it will pull minerals out of your body,and cause a severe electrolite imbalance.I learned this while working briefly in a boiler room which used "dry steam"the water used must be 100% mineral free.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys n gals. Thought I could post some tips regarding water. Popcicle sticks are a good " meter" for telling u its time to water. Simply stick the stick 2-3" below the soil surface after u water. Then after a day or so check ur stick for wetness. If its stil slightly damp ur still good to go. If drier or all dry its time to water.

Also i use tap water and well water. I have 3-5 one gallon milk jugs sitting open to evapprate any chlorine in the jug. My water is usually good so i rarely check ph. This helps me save time and money using the two tricks.

Happy growing hope this might help someone.


New Member
I don't do coco or hydro............sorry.:cry: Try the hydro forum my friend!;-)
Hey doc this has been one of the most informative thing I have read, not only here but the net as whole! Clear, concise and all in one spot!

I run hydro and this has been very useful, plants have the same relationship to water in all mediums.

I currently am doing a test with tap versus r/o, side by side and wil see if there are any benifets to the outcome in quantity. I have no issues really but have read that even if your plants look healthy, water issues can result in a loss of weight overall.

What do ya think will the r/o make a difference?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Hey doc this has been one of the most informative thing I have read, not only here but the net as whole! Clear, concise and all in one spot!

I run hydro and this has been very useful, plants have the same relationship to water in all mediums.

I currently am doing a test with tap versus r/o, side by side and wil see if there are any benifets to the outcome in quantity. I have no issues really but have read that even if your plants look healthy, water issues can result in a loss of weight overall.

What do ya think will the r/o make a difference?

Thanks again
I like r/o because I can monitor precisely what I'm giving my plants. I saw a difference when I switched, but it was really out of necessity since my tapwater was over 600 ppm for most of the year.

ca legal

Active Member
I have not read this whole thread yet so I apaologize if this question was already asked. Well I keep hearing people say not to use deionized water but I have not found anyone who can say why?? Is there a reason we shouldn't use deionized water? My friend has used it for years and has great results with it. I bought an RO system but I can't stand the water waste. I don't like wasting 60 gallons of water to get 20 gallons of RO water. It just bothers me to be wasteful when I don't have too. I am condiering a deionized water system but before I do that I wanted to see what your thoughts are? Thanks in advance-
great info very well put btw im new here looking for some chat buddies to learn more hit me up ppl tell ya a lil about myself 28 married father of 3 have grown outdoors scince i was a teenage diddnt know shit but i still did alright when thieves diddnt find em but got serious 2 yrs ago indoors for good quality meds n thanks to u guys learned alot so i decided to join in on the chatter !i dont know anything about how these threads work or what stickies r so if any one could help me out so i dont do anything im not supposed to or look dumb i would appreciate it ! thanx again for the info nicley done well educated !
i use a 55 gal drum and catch rain water from my the eve of my house works great ! i diddnt know ro systems wasted 2/3 of the water i wanted to get one ,not any more my rin water works great!

  • i use a 55 gal drum and catch rain water from my the eve of my house works great ! i diddnt know ro systems wasted 2/3 of the water i wanted to get one ,not any more my rin water works great!​
