Water uptake is almost at zero.

The power is in your hands.
Troll lol
Its stupid bs. Yall enjoy it, thats whats sad. I'd be fine if yall never commented to me ever again. But that's to hard for small minds.

The power is in your hands...but apparently you were distracted by calling others 'small minds.'

Screenshot 2023-01-19 105139.jpg

Of course, if you ignore people, you won't be able to feign your indignant self-righteous fake rage in threads like this. And no one here is going to stop making fun of you. "Male flowers are seeds" is now part of the culture of this forum and will continue to be referenced regularly.
Anytime I see/hear "frank & beans" I have an instant visual/audio flashback to "Warren" Mary's brother screaming "Frank an Beans!". There's Something About Mary was an amazing movie. Good art leaves a lasting impression ;-)
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Here's the original thread.

i wish i havent read that thread so sad to see some people hate beneficial mites. for anyone who gives a shit i posted a little bit of info about springtails and hypoaspis in here.

stay hiv positive i am out!
(i am gonna beat this horse till the day i die)

Agree. My offset is 2f degrees...so that means when my tent is 83 the leaf surface temp is 81, as tested with an inkbird IR thermometer. As far as I know most modern quantum boards which have limited IR will give you a few degrees less for LST. Once I aimed at keeping my temps in the 77f (lights out) to 84f (lights on) and concentrated on keeping my VPD in the right ballpark my grows got better and my plants' drank more. I went from watering to dryness every 3-4 days down to having to water/feed every other day.
Hey do you have your 400w Newair set to half power or full power. Trying to figure out where to set it to stay efficient/economical. The inkbird works well, just not sure where on the dial to keep heater ya know.
I have problems with heat temps and wondering what is the balance point between keeping your house (lung room) cool like 70 degrees but get that temp in the tent a bit higher while not missing out on co2?

yeah the automated fan based on temp/humidity can dial back the fan speeds, but if co2 isnt being replenished because fan speed is too low and plant metabolism is too fast, the heat now is pushed into your house more possibly heating up your house too much making you uncomfortable

no way I want my house at 80. I have no problem getting my tent temps up there in the summer but in the winter my avg is probably 75 max..

What would be the best solution as to not have to heat my living space (lung room) to 80deg F?
-add HID
-add LED infrared
-add space type heater on controller (small enough so it runs right)
-seal up room , add co2, dehu, a/c, heater controls
Hey do you have your 400w Newair set to half power or full power. Trying to figure out where to set it to stay efficient/economical. The inkbird works well, just not sure where on the dial to keep heater ya know.

I'll take a look for you and see where it's set...I don't remember. I know I've tried a few things along the way, but my goal is to not have the temps jack-rabbit or sawtooth up and down too drastically, so IIRC it's somewhere in the middle. In terms of economy it's probably a wash...if it heats quicker, then you use more initial power but the unit is on less time, and if it's turned down it heats slower doesn't use as much power but heats longer so probably about the same?
I have problems with heat temps and wondering what is the balance point between keeping your house (lung room) cool like 70 degrees but get that temp in the tent a bit higher while not missing out on co2?

yeah the automated fan based on temp/humidity can dial back the fan speeds, but if co2 isnt being replenished because fan speed is too low and plant metabolism is too fast, the heat now is pushed into your house more possibly heating up your house too much making you uncomfortable

no way I want my house at 80. I have no problem getting my tent temps up there in the summer but in the winter my avg is probably 75 max..

What would be the best solution as to not have to heat my living space (lung room) to 80deg F?
-add HID
-add LED infrared
-add space type heater on controller (small enough so it runs right)
-seal up room , add co2, dehu, a/c, heater controls

First off, this is a 'choose your own adventure' story, so any real deciders have to be your own.

...but that said, quit worrying about CO2. CO2 is important if you've maximized your grow with all the basic parameters and you want the extra little boost. You don't need the extra little boost right now, you need to get to maximized 'standard' grow. It's amazing how many new growers who are in the 'failure to launch' stage of things are worried about things that are totally not effecting what's going on with their grow. CO2 is one of them.

Fans set lower to retain heat during the day up to your maximum ideal temps. I use the kind that you can set a base fan speed then if it gets too hot turn up a bit then ratchet back down when the temps come back down.

Then a small heater in the tent for lights out time to bring your temps up to within about 10 degrees of your lights on temps. I like 'em a little higher than that even, (about 5f degrees) but 10f degrees is a solid place. I have a small 400w flat panel oil filled that has been perfect for a small-to-mid sized tent. It only runs during light's out and is controlled by an inkbird temp controller (for 35$ it's well worth it). Turns on when the temps drop below your set point, turns off once they've reheated to that point...so your heater isn't running all the time. The heater was about 65$.
I concur the heater is tiny/thin & perfect for a 4x4 tent @Nizza . And the inkbird is dope to control it. I bought it on his suggestion & it's deeeecent.

The heater is "Newair 400w thin" on amazon or their website. The inkbird is the ITC-308. Makes life so much easier to just control the climate inside tent & not use central heating.
First off, this is a 'choose your own adventure' story, so any real deciders have to be your own.

...but that said, quit worrying about CO2. CO2 is important if you've maximized your grow with all the basic parameters and you want the extra little boost. You don't need the extra little boost right now, you need to get to maximized 'standard' grow. It's amazing how many new growers who are in the 'failure to launch' stage of things are worried about things that are totally not effecting what's going on with their grow. CO2 is one of them.

Fans set lower to retain heat during the day up to your maximum ideal temps. I use the kind that you can set a base fan speed then if it gets too hot turn up a bit then ratchet back down when the temps come back down.

Then a small heater in the tent for lights out time to bring your temps up to within about 10 degrees of your lights on temps. I like 'em a little higher than that even, (about 5f degrees) but 10f degrees is a solid place. I have a small 400w flat panel oil filled that has been perfect for a small-to-mid sized tent. It only runs during light's out and is controlled by an inkbird temp controller (for 35$ it's well worth it). Turns on when the temps drop below your set point, turns off once they've reheated to that point...so your heater isn't running all the time. The heater was about 65$.
I had to do this exact same thing to keep all my issues at bay and since setting it all up couple years back it’s been amazing for my setup. I’m sure there is other ways to achieve this same goal but for the low cost of a heater and ink-bird it’s well worth it.