WATERFARM SCROG!!!! ..first frightening waterfarm grow....Dr.Amber Frankenstien


Well-Known Member
Necessity is the mother of invention...and I am invention's Grandmother :lol:


When my son was little, I always told him I could see him through my "back-eyes" (the ones in the back of every mother's head). He didn't believe me -- very literal kid -- so one time I was at the eye doc and had my son with me. I asked the doc if he would check my "back-eyes". He said "Of course! Turn around and read the chart!" So I turned around, and there on the back wall was a mirror. So I read the chart (backwards) that was on the opposite wall. My son was so busy watching to see if I read the chart correctly, that he never saw the mirror. I think he was warped for years after that...
You read a reading chart standing away from it while looking in a mirror? How small was the writing? Can you also read minds?


Well-Known Member
Please tell me how you know what I am thinking!!! I think flipping her soon is what I should do for several reasons. Thanks for pushing me in that direction. It will give me time to deal with the stretch, the watering needs of the plant in flower, and I cant remember the rest .....
Because I'm a grandma. We have that ability.
You read a reading chart standing away from it while looking in a mirror? How small was the writing? Can you also read minds?
See above...and the writing was what it is on all eye charts. I am corrected to excellent vision (contacts).

When I was in the 5th grade, I had a bit of a disagreement with a teacher over a paper I wrote. In a fit of frustration, she had said that we could write the paper any way we wanted (after a bout of questions about double space/single space, front and back, typed or handwritten, etc.)

So, I wrote the entire paper in cursive, backwards -- mirror image (it's a warped talent that I have). She gave me a failing grade for being a smartass...I pointed out the irony in her statement...and reminded her that she had said we could write it any way we wanted.

Sorry Amber, Grandma's rambling in your thread again... :lol:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Nov 30,2011 update:-P

ppms waterfarm runoff 500 ph 6.3
ppm and ph increased from the res change on sat which in was 410 , 5.1 in
i will leave it like this until i do a rez change on sat. cuz things look good

1 rockwool purple wreck girl had some fugus growing around her main branch so i picked and pinched it out and fed 1 ml/liter of hydrogen peroxide to her and all the rockwook cube girls. I also made new plastic protective covers with slits to cover the exposed rockwool by the main branch a bit better. Fed them 1/2 tsp/gallon FNG

new phat filter in
oscillating fan hung and running with lights on
hydroton pebbles under rockwool cubes
things lookin good

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 007.jpg

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 006.jpg

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 004.jpg

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 008.jpg

under the plastic cover i noticed some exposed roots. weird

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 009.jpg

nov 30 waterfarm and leaves 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good, Doc. I'm happy to see your girls looking happy! :D Roots will do that in rockwool. The top ones will eventually fade away. It's awesome to see your girls spread their legs! The purple wrecks are getting pretty big. Trainwreck is definitely one of my favorite meds.


Well-Known Member
Nice phat leaves on those Deep Blues Ambs! both your areas are looking top notch!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just as I thought, all it takes is a little time! Give another two or 3 weeks Amber, she'll be ready to flower.


Active Member
Lovin the pics Dr. Seems like everyones PH is in the range 6.0/6.8 during the veg stage. That info on the last pic makes perfect sense. Let's keep on plodding away! ^_____^


Well-Known Member
great job!! totally digging your setup, ive got about as much equipment packed into 1 tent, great utilization of space!! ill be following this.


Well-Known Member
Hey Ambs... here's the pics I promised earlier for adapting your pot lid for an additional pump hose...

I just took a box cutter and carved out a small section of the lid:



Well-Known Member
TIP: Cut and fit a small net pot (2") in the lid of your bucket. (off to the side of course). Cut out the bottom of the net pot and use a neoprene insert to keep out light. Slide your plugs, air lines, what ever, though this hole. The neoprene snugs your cord, keeps out light, and allows you to then change out, add, test, etc. as you wish.


Sorry to drop tips on non-relevant info in your thread there Doc, Ill pull this post if need be.


Well-Known Member
i have seen grows in waterfarms before and i can definately see the attraction, flip them at 12 inches and you end up with half a kilo of herb, crazy.

looks like it will be an interesting ride doc, good stuff

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:hug:Hi Everyone. Thank you for stopping by and posting such nice helpful posts. I really love this journal, everyone is so very helpful and supportive.
I appreicate all of your posts and pictures.:leaf:

I changed the res out last night. :leaf:
I had some sand at the bottom so dumped it out.
Myroots are growning in one long strand and they have reached the bottom of the bottom bucket. :-P
I bumped up the Flora Nova Grow ppm 670 after a ph change. 550 before ph adjustmt
ph 6.4 out ppm 390 out
I only just noticed that adding ph up or down will raise my ppms.. but im not going to take that into nutrient ppm concideration. Just something to note.

I made a mistake in my rockwool ph feed.
Rockwool should never get under 5.5 ph and i gave mine 5.2 accidentally.
This morning their leaves tips look very pointed.. im going to hope that there are no detremental side effects. I boosted there nutes as well.

I found a circlular plastic oil pan at Walmart to place under my waterfarm bucket so that i can add ice if my rez gets too hot.
I am still thinking about if i want to add another line to my air pump.
I am curious about the T connector to pull both airlines into one. This really increases the air flow? If i can get even more of a boost to my drip ring, this might be the best thing to do. I looked at many different air stones at the pet store. I dont know which one to go with if i decide to place it in the bucket.
There are the long ones, small ones, star shaped ones, circular ones...

Which one would be the most benifical to have in the bucket?
What would be better to do in your opinion, add the extra air stone to the bottom bucket or increase the water drip flow?

Again thanks for all the wonderful ideas and suggestions. :-P

pineapple chuck 009.jpg

nice fit.. circular oil pan found in the auto section at walmart.. like 3 bucks i think.:-P

pineapple chuck 010.jpg

here are my readings. its a bit sloppy im just getting used to charting.lol:-P

pineapple chuck 011.jpg

have a beautiful weekend. Happy gardening.:leaf::hug::leaf: