WATERFARM SCROG!!!! ..first frightening waterfarm grow....Dr.Amber Frankenstien


Well-Known Member
Whats that pink thing? I thought it was a vaporize at first but now I am thinking its a fogger??? Looks ggod Ambz, I dont know why I am not sub'd here but I am now. Just keep in mind, hydro grown plants grow a lot different then soil. They explode with growth!!!




Well-Known Member
Looks like a humidifier, imo.

Looking good though, Amber. They have really taken off! Especially the Deep Blue. Gotta love those WF's! lol She's got some HUGE fan leaves on her!

Also, here's my baby (just showed her sex actually!). 6" tall and 12" wide! Good ol' topping and some LST. :D

2011-12-12 11.51.30.jpg2011-12-12 11.49.07.jpg2011-12-12 01.15.27.jpg2011-12-12 01.14.54.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hi Amber. Thanks for the video, pretty cool. Your plants are looking great now! Good job. I too just got some cal-mag plus, I think it helps. I am capturing rain water and it is very clean with no minerals. I think the lack of calcium was showing on the leaves. They are much better now. GG

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI everyone. Thanks for stopping by.:blsmoke:

Hey BKB welcome. its so very nice to have you here...that is a pink humidifier.. it works really well but needs to be refilled quite often.
Tmak your girl is gorgeous. Your doing a wonderful job with her. The topping and lst does wonders.. im hoping my girl will look just like yours.. i think she might the way she is looking right now.. it will be so fun to watch our plants grow up together.
The rainwater is such a great way to go GG, dst does that too and his plants are GORGEOUS!

There are some new important findings in the waterfarm tent.
I need some help and advice if you would kindly help me i would appreciate it very much.

first here is a beautiful sunset over the Olympic Mountains and Puget sound that i took this evening for you all. :mrgreen:

waterfarm sex and spots 001.jpg

Some LST with paperclips.

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Getting bigger every day! no real issues i can see.. her color and leaves look good.

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IS SHE A GIRL??????!!!!!! this is the waterfarm deep blue!

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I have some serious leaf spotting on my Purple Wrecks.. Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it? Its just on my purple wrecks, not my deep blues.

waterfarm sex and spots 007.jpg

One of my rock wool Deep Blues is showing these things.. could this be a male?

waterfarm sex and spots 005.jpg

Have a great week. Happy gardening!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi. When I was having some leaf issues I did some research. I found a pretty good guide to diagnosing issues. Are you giving cal-mag to all of your plants? How much? I ask because it kind of looks like calcium deficiency to me, maybe. I certainly dont know for sure.

Check out this guide. http://growweedeasy.com/marijuana-symptoms

dude you are so fuckin helpful. such an awesome friend! ... thanks sooo much. that is such a kick ass link. It totally looks like a mag def. I have been giving a little cal mag boost. obviously not enough. im going out to give a boost now. take it easy GG! rep+.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, that does in fact look like some ball sacks on your Deep Blue's in the RW cubes :/ I'd get rid of him before he develops any more. On your WF Deep Blue, I think that's just a stipule for right now. Keep an eye out for a calyx above that that has a white hair. It's impossible to miss once you see it. You'll see either that, or balls like your rockwool baby is showing.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i see .. thats good info Tmac. yeah too bad about the balls. but im happy that it showed me his sex early. still good vibes with the waterfarm to be female.. i really think she is.. got a good good feeling.. so im hoping for the very best! patiently but also anxiously awaiting the truth.a few more pictures. I fed the rockwools extra mag this evening for those spots.. and here another pix of the balls on the deep blue rockwoolhyped spots 018.jpghyped spots 019.jpghyped spots 020.jpg


Well-Known Member
i see .. thats good info Tmac. yeah too bad about the balls. but im happy that it showed me his sex early. still good vibes with the waterfarm to be female.. i really think she is.. got a good good feeling.. so im hoping for the very best! patiently but also anxiously awaiting the truth.a few more pictures. I fed the rockwools extra mag this evening for those spots.. and here another pix of the balls on the deep blue rockwool
It has been my observation from reading other posts that males typically show sex first. That gives even more hope that the WF Deep Blue is a girl. Whatcha gonna do with Mr. Blue? Gonna milk him for pollen or just fell him now?


Well-Known Member
dude you are so fuckin helpful. such an awesome friend! ... thanks sooo much. that is such a kick ass link. It totally looks like a mag def. I have been giving a little cal mag boost. obviously not enough. im going out to give a boost now. .
You are welcome, blush blush .... Im not sure it is a mag problem. Look again at the cal pics. In any event, I would bump up the cal-mag + dose. It took me awhile to find the correct dose to use of C-M +. Hold on, ill look it up ....... Ok back! 10ML per gallon.

Im sure I probably asked this before, but, what are you using for lights? and how are you putting nutes on the plants not in the WF? They all seem to be doing so well!



Well-Known Member
Wow that plant got big since I last seen it amber. Good job! How many days are you at? She's too nice looking to be a male.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
It has been my observation from reading other posts that males typically show sex first. That gives even more hope that the WF Deep Blue is a girl. Whatcha gonna do with Mr. Blue? Gonna milk him for pollen or just fell him now?
im having a respectful last day with him. got some candles lit and some magical crystals out. i will then strip him of his leaves and gently lay him to rest in the forest.
You are welcome, blush blush .... Im not sure it is a mag problem. Look again at the cal pics. In any event, I would bump up the cal-mag + dose. It took me awhile to find the correct dose to use of C-M +. Hold on, ill look it up ....... Ok back! 10ML per gallon.

Im sure I probably asked this before, but, what are you using for lights? and how are you putting nutes on the plants not in the WF? They all seem to be doing so well!

thanks gg. yes i fed the rockwools the extra cal mag and mag supp last night. 10 ml per gallon...new growth looks alright. Im presently using a 600 watt MH bulb till i go about 2 weeks into flower then i will switch out to my new dual spectrum light for flowering.
I mix up nutes for the rockwools a little different. but im still using Flora Nova Grow and cal mag suppliment. Im getting my ph up for them .. around 6.1 so that the cal mag will work. Then i feed them with a small watering can. Awe your so sweet. They do look ok i guess besides the spots on the leaves. Rockwool is some funky shit dude. I read that it might be carcinogenic..yeah..if you breath in the dust particles.. just wonderful.. and that its non biodegradable..fukin shit.. i didnt realize that when i purchased them. seemed like the best route to go at the time. I might just do coco next time and wash it off and then stick it in the hydorton pebbles..
Wow that plant got big since I last seen it amber. Good job! How many days are you at? She's too nice looking to be a male.
Hi mr. shimmy. Its been about a month veggin . I had a horrible start with chopping off the end of the tap root.. so im def behind schedule. I hope your right about it being a she. I know what happened to you.. so sorry.

Definitely a dude √
rip deep blue 004.jpg
yes , goodbye and rip


Well-Known Member
You can send your flowers to me...preferably after 8-10 weeks of blooming... I'll take care of drying them out myself. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You can send your flowers to me...preferably after 8-10 weeks of blooming... I'll take care of drying them out myself. :lol:
Speaking of flowers ... Your NLB is really struting her self now. I bet I am only a week or so behind you. I cant wait for mine to show some pistils too.

I could not find much info on NL Blue. I have Northern Lights, but have not heard of Blues. How long have you been in the flower cycle? I am day 13.
