Watering 3 week seedling while on holidays for 4 weeks ... is it possible ?


New Member
Hello all,
I have a very nice looking 2 week seedling but I am leaving in 10 days for 4 weeks holidays...
I live in Athens and grow currently in my big balcony in a 4 lt pot (22cm in diameter and 22 cm in height) which should hopefully be ok until I come back.
The big problem is watering...
I could take it with me on holiday but it is a bit risky.

I am thinking to install an auto watering system with one drip head 5 cm from the center dripping a small amount of water say x lt and 4 drip heads 10 cm away from the centre all around the edge of the pot dripping 5 times as much water (5x lt).

I must say I am not experienced canna grower , I have done it only once two years ago but I was home all the time.

Do you think it will work ?
Do you have any suggestions to make ?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
I don't have enough time for wicking systems this year ... may be next year.

Anybody else has a comment about what I have described ?

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Silver 6

Active Member
Get an electric irrigation system, they're cheap and can program however. I've tried constant drip into soil in my first botched hydro attempt. If yah have Coco with lots of perlite you mite get away with it. But only good for tap water so hope it's good...I'm in Perth Australia and our EC is 0.6-0.7 comprising of god knows what.

Silver 6

Active Member
Could just stick it in a bigger pot wet it slightly and stick it on a tray with some water in it ? I'm no expert btw


New Member
Could just stick it in a bigger pot wet it slightly and stick it on a tray with some water in it ? I'm no expert btw
that would dry out in less than a week with 35 Celcius ...
I will have a Gardena auto watering system with 4 deip heads, watering every night ... God help.

Silver 6

Active Member
35°c ? For 4 weeks straight? Damn that's a warm climate you got mate whereabouts are you located?