Watering a Seedling


I just germinated my AK 47 x Lowryder 2 seed and planted it in my growing medium. in a growing guide I printed out, it says I should water with a high phosphorous fertilizer. Is this true? I havent read about it anywhere else, but I do have some on hand and if it'll help my baby grow better id definetly do it.


Well-Known Member
I just germinated my AK 47 x Lowryder 2 seed and planted it in my growing medium. in a growing guide I printed out, it says I should water with a high phosphorous fertilizer. Is this true? I haven't read about it anywhere else, but I do have some on hand and if it'll help my baby grow better id defenitly do it.
Plain old water at this time is all the baby needs. Don't start thinking about nutrients until it has developed a couple of leaf sets.
What medium are you growing in ?


Organic Potting soil NOT Miracle Gro (contains peat moss and perilite and a little slow release nitrogen shit) and some lime.


Well-Known Member
With that medium your not gonna need to add any extra nutrients for probably 3-4 weeks. When you do start using nutrients, start at 1/4 recommended strength and build up slowly.


Well-Known Member
Normally a couple of days but could take a week. Helps if you keep the soil warm, i use a heated propigator.