Watering during flowering


MY girl is doing her thing right now, no stress no drooping but it has been 90+ degrees for the past few and will be for the 3 or 4. Due to this crazy summer I have never had to give her a drink, and I know alot of plants prefer to be drier during the flowering process. Is there a rule of thumb for Cannabis?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
MY girl is doing her thing right now, no stress no drooping but it has been 90+ degrees for the past few and will be for the 3 or 4. Due to this crazy summer I have never had to give her a drink, and I know alot of plants prefer to be drier during the flowering process. Is there a rule of thumb for Cannabis?
if in ground, probably ever 3-4 days, in pots, damn near ever day with those temps!


Active Member
WAter 'em when the soil is dried, as early as possible. WAter with nutes every 2 watering and pure water in between. Plants need water, don't let them dry up or it'll kill the roots and dammage your plant very badly. Don't water when the soil is still humid, it could cause your roots to rot.

Peace, keep growing"