Watering for soil.


Well-Known Member
Let's start with how do you water and how often. When my plants are 3 or 4 weeks old I feed with just water. I water at the stalk of the plant and I avoid runoff. Do.You prefer to water the whole bed of soil or just at the stalk?


Well-Known Member
When they are small they get a lil bit of fertilizer. They get straight water untill they start showing that they need more nutes.

Now that they are big I fill a gallon jug and poor it in the pot, I don't have time to be fucking around with how the water is dispersed on the soil.

I wait till the soil feels dry between waterings. I have no real water or nute schedual. I look at the plant and it tells me what it wants. if I over.nute it, it lets me know. If it has been too long between waterings it tells me. If it wants more nutes it shows me.

Its like raising a baby. After a while you know what signs to look for, to take care of its needs without having to have it spelled out to you.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the whole bed. I usually hit a 5 gallon bucket with 2 liters of water. Go to the next. Repeat til done. Then go through them again.
If I just watered the stalk I'd have insane dry pockets on return. I personally Luke to do it this way because tends to saturate the whole pot. Get a moisture probe and prod around your soil with it. Stalk water one plant and spread it out on another. When I feed its the same thing. I just wait for the cotyledons to shrivel up and start from there.
I just water for a bit of runoff. About 15-20% of the pots soil volume in water or feed usually does the trick just right.