Watering in soil

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Organic or not the elements are all considered salts. And as such organic or not improper watering habits can cause salt build up in the medium. Just let a glass of urine evaporate and see what is left behind.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Just want make sure i dont over water. I started off being a water boy. I watered my seedling for a week straight and was looking at my wife like whats wrong my plant? It looked lika spaceship and a spider.View attachment 3268570So eversince then ive been reeeaaal careful. You dig.:mrgreen:
Overwatering is caused by watering too frequently. Not by too much water when they need watering.


Well-Known Member
With true organics there is NO salt build up. Water till it seeps out the bottom. 10 to 20% run out is a selling point for nute companies. I water full nutes every watering. Never ph organics. The soil will do that. Get used to picking up your plants to feel the weight. Remember they are growing every day so their plant weight goes up a little every day. Water just less then you think and wait ten minutes. Is not seeping pick up and judge again. Then add some more then wait. Once a little seepage around bottom your done. If soil too dry it will run out faster then absorbing so don't be fooled by runout early. Pick up and recheck.
If not using silicone yet in water add it now and forever. 2 to 3 ml per gallon and add it first. If you under water and get leaf drooping it keeps it from shocking it. Also helps plant store more water for those times. Which makes stems larger for bigger yields.
Good info
Overwatering is caused by watering too frequently. Not by too much water when they need watering.
Yea sometimes the emphasis can make us seem ignorant. But i know. I wasnt referring to one time water although you can over water one time. I over water in one trip and th perlite settled and messed everything up. But thanks for the info anyway. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Organic or not the elements are all considered salts. And as such organic or not improper watering habits can cause salt build up in the medium. Just let a glass of urine evaporate and see what is left behind.
Are you watering with urine? I use RO water and add my plant extract to it. Where are my salts??? Your also confusing evaporation with a plant up taking nutes.... Not the same. Plant uses lots of little stuff that evaporation leaves behind.


Well-Known Member
Organic or not the elements are all considered salts.
I'm not an organic person (much), but I thought their premise is that a healthy soil contains organisms that break down nutrients as the plant needs them. A synergy where nothing goes to waste. I.e., pee in your soil and it will be broken down into nutrients for the plant (or for the organisms in the soil). Not the same as peeing in a cup and letting it evaporate.

But, I don't know.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Ammoniacal and urea nitrogen are big parts of organic growing. Just to name a few. Both have to be digested by bacteria before becoming available to plants. And both can build up in the medium with improper feeding and watering habits.


Well-Known Member
i meant that the top layer dries out long before the bottom
I just thought of something. Recently I was looking at a photo of captainmorgan's LED setup. I noticed he covered the tops of his containers with tin foil. I wondered if that was to improve reflected light. He said it was to keep fungus gnats down, and that a side-benefit is that the soil dries more evenly.

You might give that a try if you're concerned the top is drying too fast. Weigh the risk of developing undesirable fungus. I probably wouldn't do it if I lived in an extremely humid environment.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Are you watering with urine? I use RO water and add my plant extract to it. Where are my salts??? Your also confusing evaporation with a plant up taking nutes.... Not the same. Plant uses lots of little stuff that evaporation leaves behind.
Bat Guano, chicken litter, manure ect... all contain urea. Salts are everywhere....