Watering Issue


Well-Known Member
I just recently planted some seeds and the problem is I will be leaving at the beginning of July for approx 10 days. For now the pots are on a balcony. I plan on soaking them for a couple of days before I leave. Then I will bring them indoors since the house stays cool during the summer. They will receive indirect sunlight for a week and a half.
Does anyone have any suggestions? My main concern is watering them.


Active Member
You can buy a water globe! You feel it up & stick it in the soil, it gives water slowly. Sold at walmart/home depot ect...

Try to find the best place inside near a window that getS the most sunlight everyday. They will be fine.
I didnt water mine for about a week cuz i was outta town, i got back & one of them looked real bad, i thought it was a goner, i watered it & put it outside in the shade, about 4 days later she was back & better than ever!
I'm in a similar situation and will be out of town for 8 days next month. What I did was buy a very small aquarium pump ($10) with adjustable flow and set it to the minimum flow rate (30 gallons per hour.) I then attached the pump to a small electronic timer ($10) that was capable of 1 minute intervals and ran the plastic tubing and dropped it into a plastic 5 gallon plastic bucket and filled it with water. Once a day the timer kicks on an waters my plant for exactly one minute which end up giving it about 16-20 oz of water. It works like a treat and I only have to check on my plants about once a week! The timer and pump were both ordered from Amazon.
