Watering mistakes..


Active Member
I just realized I was doing something potentially stupid... Confirm for me

This is my first grow. So I planted the plant in the middle of the pot and LST to one side, and topped and have been LSTing to the sides of the pot.

First mistake, didn't fill the pot with enough dirt. So theres a few inches of pot above the dirt, gets in the way of me reaching into the soil. Because the plant is short. About a Ft now

Second mistake because I LST from the middle, it's lopsided. The plant is mostly on one half of the planter.

Those being my problems, I have trouble watering. So what I've been doing is filling water bottles and squeezing them out into the pot so the water covers all the soil getting an even watering.

I put 500ml at a time till some trickles out the bottom.

So here's where I think I screwed up.... I noticed I've been firing water directly onto a couple lower bud sites..

They are completely un frosted now.

Did I ruin them!?

Logic tells me it should be fine since plants are intended to be rained on.. But it's a tropical plant so it's not supposed to get a torrential downpour like I just gave it..
What do you think?

I googled and this link tells me it's fine but they're talking rain, not 200 psi from a bottle...


Active Member

I know it's kind of a dumb question..
Aside from mold or snapping a branch, watering can't physically alter the buds can it?


Well-Known Member
Thc isn't water soluble and you are not squeezing 200psi out of an open end plastic bottle. Use an automotive funnel or something simular if you are worried and water slowly, dont let it pool.


Well-Known Member
stop training and let her do her thing, get comfortable with growing natural plants then get fancy and stress it out then-my suggestion.

fill a pot with dirt, tip it, lift it, feel the weight
now add about 1/4 the pot volume of water all at once.
dont water again til pot is light. you can adjust your amount to allow a teaspoon of run off.

Woody Brown

New Member
You should be fine :) Just give it time and it should start to do its thing. Now that you're aware of the problem, just try not to let it happen too often and you'll be good.


Active Member
I knew thc wasn't water soluable, or rain would completely destroy it. I just noticed these buds I've been accidentally pouring onto aren't frosty like the rest so I was curious.

And I was exaggerating at 200psi lol

I have to train her, as I only have about 2 Ft³ of space to grow and I wanted the canopy even.

Also that's how I water. Except I flood the pot a few moments, wait for it to be absorbed, flood again, wait, flood again, wait,
After the third time I add in half a bottle at a time till I see some water trickle out the bottom.
Then I wait till the pot is really light and dirt looks dried out. But I don't wait till the leaves start to dry out.
Seems to be working, I think.


Well-Known Member
Well to answer your question, NO you didnt ruin those buds, i might even take some of those bottom buds off if you dont have any use for them, because your plant doesnt. You want to focus the mojority of its energy into that canopy. But seeing how your kinda far into flower already and you dont have much room to prune, i would let that sucker take its course now. But some will disagree on pruning because it sets your harvest time back a little, i personally am all for it

If this is your first time training, then your doing a good job. Just keep doing what your doing

The amount of soil you have is probably perfect for your watering method (flood n drain).. gives you more space to 'flood'


Active Member
Not those buds, was referring to ones lower. Basically bottom of the colas near the base of the main cola.

Its my first time everything. Lst, growing, keeping a live plant of any kind...
I learn well.

I thought about pruning, but I wasn't sure where or when to start. And, as you stated, much of what I read said it was a bad idea and can discourage growth, stress the plant etc.

I wanted to "try" as much as possible from this plant. I didny even care about gender much when I planted it.

I planted 3 germinated seeds (the "paper towel on a plate overtop of my Xbox while i played call of duty" method)

And threw out the 2 that didn't look as good as this one. I only had room for one plant and male or female I was gonna try Lst, cloning, and general growing. Got lucky on the sex!
Sort of. (it's a bit Hermie... I'm gonna keep nipping any balls I find)


Well-Known Member
Thats what i was referring to, my man.
Those bottom buds wont matter, if your looking for all colas.
Now, pruning is stressfull on plants but can be done efficiently..
Take two or three bottom buds off everday until you get where you want to be.


Well-Known Member
If this plant is just an experiment, i would do everthing that you read ie. Pruning. Just to find out for yourself if it helps or not. But it is gonna be difficult if its not a female, because you wont be able to see what the buds will actually look like after everthing you do to it