Watering/Nutrient Question


Active Member
Ok so I am on the 23rd day of my first grow with white widow in Fox farm ocean forest soil. I currently have all the plants in 1 gallon containers. I have not started with the fox farm nutrients (Grow Big/Big bloom/ tiger bloom) but I think that the time is coming when I should start to use them.

1) When should I start using the nutrient line?
2)My plants seem to on;ly need watering in my current containers once every 5 days...my question is related to feeding times. Should I then only be giving nutrients to the plants every other week? Fox farm a weekly schedule for its grows, but if I am only feeding once every five days then the schedule seems to be off a bit.

Any suggestions?


Active Member
Ok so I am on the 23rd day of my first grow with white widow in Fox farm ocean forest soil. I currently have all the plants in 1 gallon containers. I have not started with the fox farm nutrients (Grow Big/Big bloom/ tiger bloom) but I think that the time is coming when I should start to use them.

1) When should I start using the nutrient line?
2)My plants seem to on;ly need watering in my current containers once every 5 days...my question is related to feeding times. Should I then only be giving nutrients to the plants every other week? Fox farm a weekly schedule for its grows, but if I am only feeding once every five days then the schedule seems to be off a bit.

Any suggestions?
that ff soil is pretty rich in nutrients as is. so dont start on the feeding untill u begin to see a tiny bit of yellowing or pale leaves. then when u do start dont get all nute happy cause u seen results, feed every other watering and at like 3/4 strength IMO anyway.goodluck


Well-Known Member
just a change from the dark green waxy color, watch them closely, they will tell u. and when u start just use 1/4 of the nutes in case u nute burn them, its a helluva lot easier to solve under feed problems that sorting burned or dead plants mate.