Watering over the hollidays


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a female plant that is about 6 weeks into flowering and coming along very nicely for my first time grow and I had a question about watering. I will be leaving for a long weekend, four days to be exact, and was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to keep the soil moist while im gone as i would not want to put her in drought conditions this late in flowering she gets watered every two days and that is about the max that she can go before getting really dry, i have a "self watering" kit that i got from a friend but i feel that the water comes out to fast to keep her moist all weekend like im capable of doing< --hmm that sounds weird . so i was just wondering if anyone has any ideas? thanks Mvg:peace:


New Member
4 days really isnt that long.. you could prolly water right be4 you left(alot) then when you got back.. or if you dont like that idea mabe get a bucket a water pump and some tubes and put the pump on a timer... say 10 mins every 2 days.. or something... first i would see how much the pump will pump out in a certain time period. say you usally water your plants 100 ml every 2 days and your pump will take 5 mins to pump out 50 ml then put the pump on a timer for 10 mins on every 2 days


Well-Known Member
yea i know 4 days isnt that long but after about 2 days it gets really dry i have alot of air moving through a really small box with a plant crammed in it that is almost as big as the box and about 160 watts of cfls, soo i def need something, that is definitly a good idea i just got on this a little late i have a friend that can come to my house but i didnt want to bother him but maybe ill just bribe him with some of the end product oh well it good to share anyway haha Thanks Mvg


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got the same problem/situation here too so thanks for asking the question. I think the timer is a great idea. I just checked my timers and they only go in 15 min increments. I bought a digital timer but I think I threw away the instructions (we don't need no stinking instructions!) so I'm not sure hot to set it up. In fact, I'll post a thread on that; I know somebody on here has one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would just suggest watering them before you left

I've read on a few places sometimes it's good to stress your plant out with overwaters/underwaters every now and then in the grow cycle. Give it a heavy soak before you leave, come back and water it again. I'm sure she'll be fine


Well-Known Member
I have a similar question. I work out of town on weekends (during the week I have full time classes) I leave on Friday evenings and come back Sunday in the evening (usually not too late). Will my plants be OK or do I need to set up a watering system now to be prepared?


Active Member
when I left mine alone i got a bucket that would fit a turkey in it...so way bigger than the pot my plant is in I watered it big time and left the excess bleed out and it filled the bucket like almost 2 inches .. then I filled the bucket up with fresh water (after i dumped the excess out). and left when I got back my plant had grown mad roots out of the pot in it sucked up the water as needed and . I had filled it about 4 inches of fresh water . and shes fine plus I was gone for 4 and a half days came home gave her a bit more water and presto! all goood...