Watering?! *PICS*


Well-Known Member
lol atleast another 24 hours in my opinion.

You need to stop thinking about your plant for a while lol :p... It'll be okay.


Well-Known Member
lol atleast another 24 hours in my opinion.

You need to stop thinking about your plant for a while lol :p... It'll be okay.
DUDE I KNOWWWW>.. Its like im a fucking psycho stalker ex-boyfriend. I cant stop thinking about them and checking them.

I think it was a mistake for me to quit smoking cigarettes, and fill the void with growing!

Okay, 24 hrs.. I can do 24 hrs.... i can do that I think.


Well-Known Member
One thing I ran into while growing some plants in a CFL box, is that too much water + close CFLS = droops. Try moving the CFLs back a bit aswell.



Well-Known Member
dude if you pick up the pot and they feel light... and its dry 4 inches down... I would water.. thats 1.5 gallons... give it a tall glass and thats it.... i didnt know you hadnt watered them in 5 days...wtf.. no wonder they are starting to droop.... you guys are funny..


Well-Known Member
No, not 5 days yet... It's been 50 hrs since the last watering.

Greenleaftoker told me to go 5 days, so far we are 2days and 2 hours into it. That's what we were referring to


Well-Known Member
No, not 5 days yet... It's been 50 hrs since the last watering.

Greenleaftoker told me to go 5 days, so far we are 2days and 2 hours into it. That's what we were referring to
got it ..sorry between the vaporizer and these gin & juice blunts... lol...


Well-Known Member
dude.. honestly watering is very site specific.... temp, air, humidity, pot size...etc, All takes into account how fast that soil dry's out... cause for greenleaftoker it takes 5 days thats great... but it might not take 5 days for your environment.

Just my $.02


Well-Known Member
They feel light to me.. but.. iunno.. the one on the left is much lighter than the one on the right.. But I dont know how heavy they should feel. Maybe Im just super strong


Well-Known Member
so you got 4 inches down thats dry... you can look into the bottom holes and see if thats dry... if it is all dry and it feel light.. and its drooping...

The wierd part... is that you say that the one on the left is lighter/dryer and you would think...ok its closer to that fan so it might draw out the moisture more... but the one on the right is the one that looks more droopy... I do see the one on the left bottom leavs drooping a little though...


Well-Known Member
the one on the left normally points its leaves UP.. no clue why, just always has.

The one on the right normally "hangs"... just not DROOPs.. know what I mean?

So compared to the left one's norm, it is pretty droopy. heh. Iunno.


Well-Known Member
Lol... My plants' been in darkness for 24 hours... before flowering... and i havent seen it at all.. lol so i know the feeling man... I look at my plant atleast like 20 times a day lool... so yeah.. it's normal :p.

goodluck... the plant should start looking better again soon.


Well-Known Member
When plants are thirsty.. do they change color?

Like... if you stop watering a plant completely, what color does it turn first?


Well-Known Member
i would think pale first.. it looses shine... then it looses strength... then it start going toward yellow...so light green to lighter green to yellow...


Well-Known Member
mmm.. its really hard to not water it when it really seems like I should...

but... i guess Im the one with the fucked up plants so what do I know


Well-Known Member
well you know somethin... your the one that knows your plants... I mean if your lick me you look at the plants all day.... So small changes in the way the leafs look is easy to understand after a while..


Well-Known Member
Currently: 8:00, Oct 28
Last water: 6:00pm, Oct 25
Time passed since last watering: 62 hours

I think going that long without watering was the wrong idea. I have never seen the one on the left look quite this bad. It's even beginning to turn yellow. It's dirt was insanely dry. This whole 'finding the right watering schedule' is absolutely bullshit.

I'm really thinking my plant should be watered every other day.. or some shit. Who fucking knows. This is a complete waste and makes no comprehendable sense.



Well-Known Member
Breathe... The one on the left is starting to look bad.

I think you need to go out and get a big ass pot.. ASAP... And noone here knows ther problem... but we're trying to figure it out...


Well-Known Member
wtf do you mean... we know the problem... they need water... I told you this isnt rocket sience... Water them about a two cups each.... ifyour using measuring cups... if its just a cup from the coboard just get those tall ones we all like... hehehe... liek i said... if you have 1.2 gallons of soil....water them 1/5 of that..

Usually when the plant is small and it doesn have a goot root system you water about eveyr day to every other day smalll doses around the stock... at this point your root system is good... just pour a cup of water in there and check them out in 15 minutes.....youll see the diference.... also.. once you water them ..pick them up so you can see the diference between dry and wet... youll kick yourself in the ass once you see the big asss doference between the two.... give them some water they are dying....