Watering plant question?


Well-Known Member
Is it normal watering plant every other day? With in 24 hours my plant starts to droop and if I wait 2 days plant like shrivels up and tops like fall over.
Plant is nice size in 3G pot. Hers a pic she little droopy also some of the tops growing weird any clue why?


Well-Known Member
Is it normal watering plant every other day?
depends how you define "normal"

From the size of your plant and the size of the pot i am not surprised, depending on the make up of your grow medium i would be even less surprised if it had a lot of pearlite

What i mean by the is that is a big plant in a relatively small pot so the root system most likely takes up the majority of the space, so when you water it flows straight through and the roots absorb most of it quickly. Some people love this because it means they can feed faster.

All and all you have a healthy looking plant, i would personally pot up to a 7-15 gallon pot and let the roots expand before you flower.

In terms of how often to feed and water, Try to understand / read the signals for what the plant is asking for instead of sticking to a strict schedule. Since there is no accurate answer to how often should i water MY plant in MY unique set of circumstances that's the best advice i can give. That being said it looks like you have been accommodating your girls requests quite nicely :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

I've seen many cases where the root ball gets so tight from crowding that water flows around the roots without much penetrating to the inside. Whether weed or anything else, I just get a thin rod, dowel, screwdriver, etc., and use it to break into the root ball and loosen things up so water can get to the majority of the roots. Sounds drastic, but I've been doing this for literally decades and it does not harm the plants. A little "root trauma" is better than no water, right?


Well-Known Member
If you are wagering that often I would transfer ito to a larger pot even If it's only 20% bigger just be careful