watering please help

some of my buckets are heavy some are light the light ones i water the heavy ones must have to much water so i drilled bigger holes in the bucket it has been three days i have not watered do i wait till bucket is light like the others and i like to water every two or three days should i wait until the bucket is light

thank you for any help


New Member
Small plants = Small Root Zones

Your small plants dont have enough roots to drink all the water you are feeding them.

Back off on how much you water the smaller plants.

Roots want to get oxygen to grow happily, if they are always wet, its hard for them to get oxygen. By watering the plants before they are ready you are stunting the plant and root growth. Pay attention to each plant and only water when the soil has dried a bit (but just a bit) to make sure your roots get a nice health boost of oxygen.