watering question during flowering


Active Member
maybe this is a stupid question but i have been lightly misting down my baby once the lights go off since it was just over a foot tall. i am now 8 days into flowering and i was told by a friend that i should stop spraying it because it can take some THC off the buds...is this true or is my friend just a fuckin idiot?


Well-Known Member
well he is a fucking idiot. THC is water soluble. Thats whay you can water cure. Lol I dont mean to dis your friend but that was funny~

good luck


Active Member
ok so tell me this...is there a point i should stop spraying it down? or should i continue to spray it down until the day i harvest?


Well-Known Member
You should probably stop spraying it pretty soon. Once the buds begin to form if they get too wet they'll rot.


Well-Known Member
well he is a fucking idiot. THC is water soluble. Thats whay you can water cure. Lol I dont mean to dis your friend but that was funny~

good luck
You are so wrong it's not even funny. Someone here is a fucking idiot but it's
not his friend.Here's the part where you make a new account and start fresh
on these boards.


Well-Known Member
haha thats for sure... someone is an idiot thc IS water soluble and thats exactly why you can make ice hash


Well-Known Member
*Technically* THC is slightly soluble in water, but not enough so that we can make any use out of it. That's why you can use water in making hash. The THC molecules are trapped between the water molecules and when the solution is passed through a filter, THC resin is left for you to make into hash. If THC were completely soluble in water you would be left with nothing in the filter and a THC solution down the drain. Same deal with water curing. If THC were water soluble you would end up with a shitty plant that wouldn't get you high because all of the THC would have been leached by your curing solution.

So for general purposes we say that THC is not water soluble. THC is, however, soluble in alcohol which is why you can make a tincture that can get you pretty fucked up.


Well-Known Member
hmmm well thats what I thought I read some where . Maybe I got my terms mixed up but I have had friends spray their buds almost to the end, but they also had excellent humidity control and temp.

I merely researched the effects of water curing and read that it was not soluble in water........from this very site here look,


sorry if some of you got offended but I was merely passing info I read ....... Oh and lol I just noticed my error ..............I posted water soluble instead of NOT water soluble . Sorry I was realy high on my water cured bud. Man I got all like offended and come to find out it was my own typo.

Sorry all,