Watering question for my seedlings


Active Member
My two seedlings are a few days old. I know that I have to be careful and avoid over watering, as is a common mistake among beginners. I previously watered them on Monday. Just checked, the soil for both seedlings is completely dry. Should I let it sit like this for another day, or should I go ahead and water it again?


Well-Known Member
If it's dry. Water again. Make sure it's sort of dry below the top lair. The top always drys first because it's the top. Feel how light the pot is now, and when you water feel how heavy it is.. That is my indication on when to water.


Active Member
Alright, thanks. I think its time to water it. Im not experienced enough to be able to tell by the weight, but its pretty dry beneath the top layer already. I had seen comments regarding letting it get dry and stay dry for half a day or so before watering again, so I figured I would just ask for advice.


Well-Known Member
It's fine to keep it dry as long as it isn't drooping. If it starts to droop a little, water it ASAP.

I use coco and the top lair drys quick.. I just let them go until I have time to water and they always have been fine thus far.


You can't let seedlings dry out completely, if they are wilting it wont be long before they are dead. In general, if you let your soil dry out too much you wont get good root growth and may also start to see "deficiencies" which are just due to improper watering.

Overwatering is from lack of oxygen in the rhizosphere. Plant roots breathe oxygen, and oxygen doesn't keep dissolved in water very well. If you have a quality medium/potting soil it shouldn't compact and should remain aerated when wet. Coco coir is an example of a media which holds both moisture and air very well. Don't be afraid to water properly as nothing should go wrong unless the containers have been sitting in stagnant water, or the media is too compact and constantly saturated.


Well-Known Member
I water seedlings with a spray mist bottle u can pick up from a Walgreens or such cost a dollar. It will help to prevent drowning the new tap root. I cover my seedlings pot Hal way with clear wrap, it help retain some humidity and retains water a bit more , hope this helps, I use the finger rule for watering seedlings
You have to keep it at a nice medium(field capacity) and you want to avoid wilting point and saturation. Don't let it go too long and don't drench it when you do! But like everyone else said, be careful when they're young because that have very delicate root systems, keep em moist!

Happy growin'!


Yes, do drench it. When you do water you want to water thoroughly- until the media is saturated and you get run-off. With a good potting mix, excess moisture drains away. You can't really give your plants too much water at any one time. Only problem is if the pots are sitting in stagnant water.
^ thats what I meant by that. Some people have those deep trays though and letting a small plant sit in 2"..not too ideal lol. I should have clarified, thanks for the catch!


Active Member
Yep, thats what I have read to do and have been doing... watering it until the water comes out of the bottom, then holding it over the sink until the dripping dies down before placing it back onto its dish under the lights.