Watering question.


Active Member
I am about to start my second grow (first attempt yielded about 50grms per plant and the qualitys pretty good too) but I have a query about watering. I am using Biobizz Grow & Biobizz Bloom only in a nutrient free soil mix (1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Vermiculite & 1/3 Peat). My question is, how often does indoor Marijuana typically get watered??? I was watering daily with half the recommended nutrient dosage. I did this because I read a lot about people burning their little babies by overferting. Now I read that you should only need to water twice a week but this will mean using more ferts in my water. Sorry if this is a little confusing but hopefully someone will understand my question and reply....... Thanks in advance, Irish grower.


Well-Known Member
That would depend on the size of your container. Smaller the container..frequent is watering. Larger the container..less frequent is watering. That would also depend on your actual lighting as well..HID's produce more heat plant foliage will transpire meaning plants require more water to sustain adequate growth. . Strain is a factor also...some eat up alot of water and nutrients..others are moderate..others are at the lower end. I use an alternate water and feeding schedule halving the recommended dosage to ensure I do not have a nutrient toxicity. I also leech my soil once a month to alleviate toxic salt buildup.


Active Member
Thanks calicat. Not sure if I should use slow release newts in my soil though. My strains are trainwreck and white widow, both primarily indica, 9 weeks flowering. They all say less is more with newts, does the same go for water?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from the automatic release nutes. My friend burned the shit out of a few of his plants doing that. When you personally put nutes in, you never have to second guess how much nutes your plants are recieving. Am I saying that release nutes are bad. By no means!! I'm just sharing my friends experience with you....


Well-Known Member
Your right!! It's always better to underwater than overwater. You should wait until your top soil becomes almost "crunchy" before you water again. Sometimes it may look like your babies are crying for water but really they are satisfied with the "unseen" water they are drinking up underneath the soil. This all takes practice!! I would be the last to say that I've mastered anything. I'm just passing on what some wise growers have told me..Good luk my friend>>>>bongsmilie


Active Member
ok thanks. i'll be careful this time and not just water every day like an eager beaver!

can anyone suggest a good begineers soil mix? last time i used 1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Vermiculite & 1/3 Peat moss to prevent over ferting and to provide good drainage and allow easy flushing if I made a mistake. only problem is, soil was VERY loose due to all the perlite & vermiculite. I see some growers add 1/4 Biobizz Allmix because they contain some neuts but is this a good idea. I want to keep things simple without screwing shit up!!


Well-Known Member
i just water my plants when eva i find time to. some times i water 'em 3 times a week and some times i water 4-5 times a week i dont understand why you need to water them at speficic times and shit!?!


Active Member
thanks silky, what is a good soil mix to use with the likes of biobizz nutes? my first crop worke dout ok but i definately think my 1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Vermiculite & 1/3 Peat mix was not 100%. was thinking 1/4 Perlite, 1/4 Vermiculite 1/4 Peat & 1/4 biobizz light mix but maybe the vermiculite is not the best thing to use.

farmer, is one a little cranky today? I hear what youre saying but I was concerned that as my grow medium had no ferts, that if I only fed them every 3-4 days, thay they might not get enough food, hence putting 1/4 light mix in.

feels like im getting close to getting my the perfect grow medium though, keep the advice coming please.