Watering question


Active Member
Hello growers of the world , CG is here

i heard i should water my planets until the water comes out from the drainage holes ,
is that for every planet ? at any age ?[not seedling of course]

im watering them when the soil is dry in the depth of 5-6cm inside.

currently im water my planet with 1L , split for 4 planets ..here some pic to show you what theyre size.
they r in 6.5L pot.




i need to water until the water is absolutely come out of the drainage holes ?


Well-Known Member
I think that is a good rule to know when is enough but is not necessary. My auto watering system doesn't ever give them that much. It also never lets them dry out as much and does more of a small daily feeding based on soil dryness. I know that supposedly isn't the best for root growth and whatnot but my plantsare strong, need no support, etc. Other than my mistake of not PHing my water, it's been fine.


Active Member
Sounds like you're doing alright, if you see any signs that the soil is getting moldy or if it's wet a lot cut back, if you see your plants wilting then step up the watering. Mess it up a couple times and you'll notice the signs leading up to underwatering.


Active Member
so far i didnt watered until the water comes out the bottom..i was afraid to overwater.
and even so , they do look fine...but i guess they could be finer huh ?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Yes. Learn the "lift the pot method" of knowing when they want water. Then water until the water runs out the bottom..don't let the plants sit in this xtra water. Drain the saucer of what runs through. A turkey baster works well if the plants are big.


Active Member
image.jpgI have watered my plants once or twice till the water comes out the bottom and there doing fine. There 32 days old and looking great.


Well-Known Member
I always water heavily. flood the top of the pot let it evenly soak in and plenty of runoff.... over watering is from the frequency of watering not the amount per watering. you want to wash out the old with the new. salt build up could occour if not


Active Member
I can say I do about a little over a half gallon of water for each plant. They are in 5 gallon containers. I give them water every 3 days. This works for me but everyone has there one ways. But remember this is my first grow and it does semi to be working for me.


Well-Known Member
I dump a whole gallon per 5 gal pot every 5-7 days or when they need it
I can say I do about a little over a half gallon of water for each plant. They are in 5 gallon containers. I give them water every 3 days. This works for me but everyone has there one ways. But remember this is my first grow and it does semi to be working for me.


Active Member
Like I said everyone has there different ways. Whatever works for you is what I would stick with. Look at my pic. These are 32 days oold and it's what's working for me.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're doing alright, if you see any signs that the soil is getting moldy or if it's wet a lot cut back, if you see your plants wilting then step up the watering. Mess it up a couple times and you'll notice the signs leading up to underwatering.
Droopy leaves can also be a sign of the opposite...overwatering.


Well-Known Member
so far i didnt watered until the water comes out the bottom..i was afraid to overwater.
and even so , they do look fine...but i guess they could be finer huh ?
They look good, might wish to consider topping...looks like the plant in pic#1 could use it.



Well-Known Member
was just mentining how I do it, just like you did, Brushhog. I know their are enough ways for everyone to have their own. take her easy dude.
Like I said everyone has there different ways. Whatever works for you is what I would stick with. Look at my pic. These are 32 days oold and it's what's working for me.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
so far i didnt watered until the water comes out the bottom..i was afraid to overwater.
and even so , they do look fine...but i guess they could be finer huh ?
Over watering does not come from too much water mate, it comes from watering too often. Always go for some runoff as you'll get a build up of salts among other problems and your plants are not going to like that. Aim for 20% run off dude :)