Watering question


Active Member
The amount of water/nutrient solution you use at one time will determine the length of time it will be before the plants need to be watered again. Obviously, less has a shorter time before need and more requires a longer time. The key is to understand that the cannabis plant is a lot harder to underwater than overwater. It will tolerate allowing your soil or soilless medium to become relatively dry a lot better than it will tolerate a soggy medium. Allowing the medium to dry a bit between waterings will also allow oxygen to get to the root system. . By the way, whatever you are doing seems to be working well. Your plants look healthy and happy.


Well-Known Member
Those plants look great. Just keep on doing whatever you are doing.

I have found that if I let the soil get really dry to where it pulls away from the pot a bit, when I water it runs down between the pot and the soil and almost immediately runs out the pot, way before I have added enough water. So I give it a splash to re-expand the soil, wait a few minutes, and rewater once the soil has sealed back against the pot.


Active Member
The amount of water/nutrient solution you use at one time will determine the length of time it will be before the plants need to be watered again. Obviously, less has a shorter time before need and more requires a longer time. The key is to understand that the cannabis plant is a lot harder to underwater than overwater. It will tolerate allowing your soil or soilless medium to become relatively dry a lot better than it will tolerate a soggy medium. Allowing the medium to dry a bit between waterings will also allow oxygen to get to the root system. . By the way, whatever you are doing seems to be working well. Your plants look healthy and happy.
thanks man , actually i never watered the planet until the water comes out from the bottom..
they do look fine but i guess they could look finer huh ?
anyway, i split 1L water on 4 planets...i think i should raise the amount , and from now on to water until the water comes out the drainage holes... no ?

thanks for everybody


Well-Known Member
You don't overwater by pouring too much at a time. It is the frequency of watering that causes over or under-watering.

As long as you have good drainage, the soil will never be too wet during a single watering. That doesn't mean you have to flood the thing every time. Water slowly and evenly with a shower head type nozzle that spreads the water and doesn't cause craters where the water hits. Pause after a couple go-arounds and let the water work its way through the soil. If it doesn't come out the drainage holes in a few seconds, repeat.


Active Member
Just water it the way you think is good and keep with it. You will know if you do something wrong by the way they look and then you can adjust