Watering question???


Well-Known Member
I water twice a week,my question is one gallon of water per plant too much water??? Holes are 3 feet deep by 5 feet in circumference??? :peace:


Well-Known Member
I only have grown outdoors once but it was quite successfull. I watered my plants whenever the soil around the stalk was dry and cracked. Otherwise I would wait till they asked for it (slight wilting).


Well-Known Member
I only have grown outdoors once but it was quite successfull. I watered my plants whenever the soil around the stalk was dry and cracked. Otherwise I would wait till they asked for it (slight wilting).
This is true. I like to stick my pointer finger into the soil about an inch and 1/2 down. If its dry water it.

Although I do not think this is what you are asking. Depending how large your plant is will determine how much water it is capable of absorbing. Pictures would help!


Well-Known Member
Could buy a water wand if it's that important. Kinda depends on your drainage, ie: how rocky it is down under.
For what it's worth, a gallon a week is the recommended water amount for tomatoes.

Post below doesn't make sense. 192 oz's/128ozs/Less is more? What?
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Well-Known Member
Too cool,thanks for your answers guys!!! The clones I put in June 1rst are looking good(Sorry no cam) the Diesels I put in around April are "TRIPPIN",dark green foliage,one to three blades per leaf and trichomes EVERYWHERE??? I think I'm gonna trash the Diesels,tired of stressin' on em'!!!:spew:


Active Member
Too cool,thanks for your answers guys!!! The clones I put in June 1rst are looking good(Sorry no cam) the Diesels I put in around April are "TRIPPIN",dark green foliage,one to three blades per leaf and trichomes EVERYWHERE??? I think I'm gonna trash the Diesels,tired of stressin' on em'!!!:spew:
Don't stress on them. Just let em grow on their own.

And just water when the plants look like they need it, as crappy advice as that is.