Watering questions for my autos!

Matt P.

I am doing 4 autos. There in soil under hps. Any way i water about every 2-3 days. My question is do i feed them nutrients every time i water or every other time and just straight water on the opposite days i feed? Thanks


Well-Known Member
i use fox farm ocean forest (ffof) and all organic so i feed every watering. if your using chemicals or high nutrient organic ferts I would recommending watering then feeding then watering and so on. if its high nutrient chemical ferts i would recommend feeding 1-2 times per week. 2 at the most. you honestly just need to learn how to read your plants, all genetics are different, some want a lot some want very little.


Well-Known Member
Yes as long as your using hydro nutes or the directions specify to feed every watering. Flush with just 6.5 water every 4-5th feed or you will get nute burn from salt build up.