Watering Schedule Help

Hey guys,
i'm starting up a new grow in 1.5 gal airpots, fox farms ocean forest, fox farms nutes, and about 300 watts of cfls with some wonder woman seeds from nirvana. I was just looking for some advice on a watering schedule and the cab temp stays right at 80. I've read that watering every 3 days is considered the norm for most but I have also read its better to just feed the babies when they ask for it. I've also read that its better to water less frequently, but with more water for better rooting? in "Buds for Less" it looks like he watered every 10 days but with an average of 3 quarts per water and he ended up with 3 oz from one plant!
I'm new to cfl growing and I was wondering if anyone had any input


New Member
Firstly be careful with the soil FFOF is very hot and should really be buffered with at least 30% inert perlite. Also the soil will be enough to feed them for several weeks. When I start my babies I start in a 4" pot after 3-4 weeks or when I see roots in the drain holes I transplant into 3 gallon bags, that is where they stay until harvest. Anyway I use FF Happy Frog and do not add any nutes until week 6-7 depending on what my girls tell me. As for watering for the first 1-2 weeks I give them about a shot glass of water directly around the stem. I let them dry for a good 2-3 days so the roots grow out looking for moisture. I gradually up the water amount but never soak the medium as the roots grow.

Please click the link in my signature. There you will find a ton of how to vids from master growers for 1st timers. Best of Luck!
thanks for the link man! i've been waiting about 2 months to start my grow so i've just been reading and watchin tons of vids. I just really want these seeds to reach their potential!


Well-Known Member
Hey stupidmagnoopid,
I'm starting a grow with air pots too. I've got 315W of cfls. I'm also using the same soil and nutes as you. And my stealth cab temps stay around 82-85F. Our grows sound very similar. Good luck on yours!


Well-Known Member
Stupidmagnoopid: Bkbbuds has some good points. More damage seems to be done by over watering and drowning the roots. Right now I'm testing some EcoPots, with the built in reservoir, hoping to use them in my next med grow later this month. With an assortment of herbs and veggies they're working fine, my plants love them, and you might want to look there. They're a little pricey but so far they look like a possible solution. A dampness gauge may also be a help. You can get them from a lot of hydro stores for $5 to $6. I hope that helps. HSA


Active Member
I use FFOF and I water every 2-3 days (when the top 1" is dry to a crisp). Everytime I water I soak the pot until it drains out of the bottom. Check the link in my sig for my grow, you can see that this method works pretty well.