watering the plant


Active Member
So I just planted a few seeds in plastic solo cups. Its been a week and I see no activity above the soil, so I was impatient and moved a little dirt away to see. Most of the seeds have the white sprouting thing growing from where the seeds where cracked.
Why do you think its taking so long to break soil and I get worried if I am watering my plants correctly.

Everytime I water them the soil get all hard and crusty when it dries but then I water it again and it stays hard, how do i keep the dirt nice and loose and prevent this?


Well-Known Member
So I just planted a few seeds in plastic solo cups. Its been a week and I see no activity above the soil, so I was impatient and moved a little dirt away to see. Most of the seeds have the white sprouting thing growing from where the seeds where cracked.
Why do you think its taking so long to break soil and I get worried if I am watering my plants correctly.

Everytime I water them the soil get all hard and crusty when it dries but then I water it again and it stays hard, how do i keep the dirt nice and loose and prevent this?
Patience is key! and a little piece of plastic wrap over those cups to keep the soil warm and moist, might help :joint: Also, try watering with a spray bottle for seedlings. You only need to keep that top layer moist for now and that will help keep the dirt loose instead of packing it down with a water can...


Well-Known Member
what type of soil are you using? I reccomend FoxFarm Oceanforest soil it absorbs moisture very well and 100% organic =)

Did you germinate your seeds in paper towels/water first before planting or did you plant the seeds directly in the soil?


Well-Known Member
give them another week and keep the soil moist. if they have a tap-root coming out most likely it will sprout.

plant seeds in soil as soon as the taproot is approx. 1/2 inch long, and plant them with the root facing down.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I have seeds that dont seem to be growing when others are popping up, I carefully dig them up and replant them. Basically, I use tweezers to push them root first(circle part of seed up) into the soil and re-cover with only a small amount of dirt. Whenever I do this, most will usually start growing and pop up within a couple days.


Well-Known Member
like someone else said be patient! i was waiting 2 weeks for my seeds to sprout then i ended up with 4 of them, mind you the dog ate one and one died lol....