
Hey all, so I was unexpectedly called away beginning this Sunday, and won’t be back until Saturday morning (almost a week). While I know this isn’t ideal, I don’t have anyone to come by and watch my babies while I’m gone. They will only be two weeks old at that point (pic from today attached), so I’m hoping they’ll be ok with the watering setup I leave for them.
Seeing how this is unavoidable and I have limited options, what I was thinking of doing is the following:
- giving them all a good water right before I leave
- filling up the fairly large humidifier I have to the top and keeping it at an even 55% (has a built in humidistat
- raising the light a bit
- finally I was going to set up a gallon jug of ph’d water and use the twine method (picture also attached)
Do you think this will be sufficient? Is there anything else I can do? Please bear in mind that I know this isn’t a great situation, especially with auto flowers who already have such a short life cycle. But the humidity in my house only goes down to about 40%, and that won’t happen in the tent until a few days after I leave, so my hopes are that they will hold up until I return and I can give them a good watering as soon as I arrive.
Thoughts? Thanks!!