Watering with fabric pots and a "water only" medium


Active Member
My plants are in 3 gallon fabric pots and are finally at the point where they are taking full waterings. however, my medium is Purple Cow Indicanja which is a "water only" medium requiring no additional nutes. It is my understanding that if I water to runoff, I am stripping vital nutrients from the soil. However, I get runoff before I even water half a gallon or so.

How much should I be watering and am I correct in thinking that watering to runoff with this medium is detrimental to its efficacy?
Also, I currently have them in a raised tray so as to get airflow underneath. However, I do have regular trays if it is suggested to water the trays and let the pot soak up water rather than watering directly into the pot. I just don't want to promote any nastiness due to stagnant water.
Almost any media that gets too dry can repel water...so it just runs right through. Perhaps that's what's happening. Water in two stages. A slow smaller watering to get things wet...and the rest an hour later.

Yea, good call. I will try that. Thanks.

I've read a few places that it should be approximately 1L per gallon of medium. Does that sound right?
The plant will dictate how much it requires..transpiration rate, rh, heat, etc
Happy growing

Right. My concern isn't so much overwatering, per se, it's more that I am stripping the soil of the beneficial nutrients which will in turn require me to amend the soil later down the road. I am not exactly opposed to doing so, I'd just rather not. If I am incorrect in thinking this, I'd love to know.
Not sure on that one...I run either FFOF or more normally HF which also are amended soils, geared for cannabis.
I will usually let plants go two to three weeks, sometimes more , strain dependant, then I have to start using nutrients.
Again, plants will always tell you if you watch.
Not sure on that one...I run either FFOF or more normally HF which also are amended soils, geared for cannabis.
I will usually let plants go two to three weeks, sometimes more , strain dependant, then I have to start using nutrients.
Again, plants will always tell you if you watch.

Are either of those soils created with the intention of not requiring additional nutrients like Indicanja?

"Purple Cow IndiCanja is a scientifically formulated and tested organic fertilizing package that contains the necessary minerals, nutrients, fertility and biology for all stages of plant growth from young seedlings in a vegetative phase through transplanting, budding and flowering and the final hardening phase. IndiCanja was developed by a grower, for growers to be "ready-to-use" requiring no further inputs! "

Watering to run off in a soil washes nutrients out of the soil so yeah you are losing some if you water like that. If you are using a water only soil the best way to water is with blumats if set up right they will keep the soil at a proper and more productive moisture level. So you can keep the soil @ say 65-75% percent moisture all the time rather than going from 100% to maybe 30%or 40% before the next watering using traditional watering techniques .
Right. My concern isn't so much overwatering, per se, it's more that I am stripping the soil of the beneficial nutrients which will in turn require me to amend the soil later down the road. I am not exactly opposed to doing so, I'd just rather not. If I am incorrect in thinking this, I'd love to know.

A little runoff is fine...you won't lose all the nutrients down the drain.
But why it's running through...that needs to be addressed. Try the dish soap as wetting agent...like Fast Freddi said.
Yes, I once started a plant in a 5g fabric pot and only lightly watered the plants for a long time. The bottom and side of the soil became hydrophobic, the plants never grew into that region of the soil. I recommend giving it a good soak. Submerge the containers in water for a few min until you know the water is soaked in.

If you are worried about losing nutrients , capture the run off, let it evaporate, and use the dried crystals as nutrients.

As for stripping nutrients from the soil - I wouldn’t worry. The organic water only soil method has a slow release way of working.
Or....u can buy Roots Excelurator GOLD for soil.......speeds up root growth, helps protect against root rot. Use between 1/8th and 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. It goes in to the watering regimen for me.........all my watering has that in it............will stop after 18/6 is over.
Flora flex makes a type of tray that sits on the top of the pots to make even watering easy. I bought the ones that are called flora flex matrix because the capillary pad with help from the top of my pots drying to quick and will also reduce watering frequency. I’d be careful with soil using the capillary pads because it may lead to over watering, but I’m hoping this product will help a lot with watering frequency and full medium saturation.
I will use this product on my coco plants
My plants are in 3 gallon fabric pots and are finally at the point where they are taking full waterings. however, my medium is Purple Cow Indicanja which is a "water only" medium requiring no additional nutes. It is my understanding that if I water to runoff, I am stripping vital nutrients from the soil. However, I get runoff before I even water half a gallon or so.

How much should I be watering and am I correct in thinking that watering to runoff with this medium is detrimental to its efficacy?

I had the same problem. Using no-till soil in 45 gal smart pots for my first outside grow and 3 gal & 18 gal rubber maid containers first indoor grow.

You should get the medium moist through out the pot. Best to mix some water soil by hand until moist thoroughly if possible. So when you hold the soil in your hand loosely and it is firm stays together and no water dripping.

The lesson is not to let the soil dry out.
@ Renfro recommended a using soil meter. I got one.

@ Mantis weights his clones each time to see if they need watering.