Watering with tea?


Well-Known Member
Let's say we take peals from diferent fruits and herbs, we boil them and we use that to water our plants instead of plain water. Any ideas if this would help or totally screw up? I mean.. I don't know what happens with everything in the water once it boils, if it still has the capacity to hold nutes and if they are healthy for your plants.

Would love to hear an answer to this as I may start doing it :weed:


maybee wait more than 21 minutes. Probably a bad idea. Look into a "tea" made from earthworm castings, molasses and bubbling water. growing in dirt of course..


Well-Known Member
I will try it, just sprouted a seed and will only give it tea :) But first I need to find a good combination of plants to boil. Any idea what happens to egg shells when they boil? Also bones...