
Down To Earth makes some organic liquid fertilizers. They may be better than using dry amendments with what you're growing in. I've never used them. It might be worth looking into though.

Yes agreed. But at the same time, I have IR in my LED's. So 77 maybe perfect for me. And my humidity stays relatively low around 40-50 with no humidifier. so over 77 would be a horrible VPD. I live in New England bro. The temps outside right now are below freezing and the humidity in my grow room tends to be 30-35 %. So for me to get my grow tent to 77 degres and atleast 50 % humidity takes a 1800 watt heater and 2 warm mist humidifiers. So for me to get it over 80 is almost impossible. Thats what I have to work with in the winter, so I make due

Whelp, I have IR LEDs too (many of the current quantum board/bar lighting does)...and still have my temperatures up since they don't provide as much IR as some traditional lights.

I grew up in 'New England' and currently live in a colder, drier, more wintery less hospitable place. But that isn't here nor there...we're not growing outside, we're using a tent in a somewhat climate controlled room/tent where we can apply humidification or dehumidifcation, heat, etc. along the way. Though I do understand that we work with the parameters we're given. I keep my 'lung room/area' humidity between 30-40RH and keep my tent's humidity averaging in the mid 50% range. I moderate humidity & heat in the tent mostly with the amount of ventilation (intake & exhaust) I apply, but also have humidifiers both inside and outside the tent.

In terms of what works or doesn't work this round...this is why really good growers 'read their plants'...because the world is an imperfect place and what worked last time, might not be exactly the same...they're unique biological entities (unless you're working with clones) and it makes each ride different from the last.
The fact is nobody does, they just talk shit and if you question them then your an asshole who is rejecting a "knowledgeable growers" opinion. I am sorry, but if a person tells me something I know is not true, or is completely false, regardless if they are 'Knowledgeable" or experienced or not, I am going to reject it and question it. And of course there is no response after that because there wrong. If you were so knowledgeable or experienced then you wouldn't be telling me that you can't grow good weed in 77 degrees lol

Note that people have pointed out that temperature COULD be ONE of the problems. None of what goes on relates to a single thing more often than not. Intertwined systems.
Just because someone has more experience than you, does not mean they can grow better or know better. Some people been growing for 20 years and don't know a male from a female lol I have had garbage shit from the most experienced growers.

See, if you answer with a respectable answer filled with facts that make sense, I will take you seriously. If you say something that is not true...then I am going to question or challenge that. Thats what any human being would do

Generally speaking, you have guys like Budzbuddha & Mick Foster and Xtsho posting here. Any one of these three has experience & shared it on RIU pretty freely. Now what about this conversation has made them offer some comments only to walk away.
So I want people to just clear something up with me. AND PLEASE DONT TAKE IT AS I AM SAYING COCO IS BETTER THAN LIVING SOIL WITH DRY AMMENDMENTS OR THAT IT IS OPTIMAL OR YOU SHOULD DO IT OR ITS THE ONLY AND BEST WAY AND IM DEAD SET ON COCO WITH DRY AMMENDMENTS or any of that bullshit...but if you add microbial life, nutrients, water, and worm castings to a pot of coco, you are telling me that none of those nutrients are going to get broken down and used by the weed plant? And that it won't work at all? I am just trying to clarify. COCO's CEC is lower than peat moss...but is it 0?

But here we are, right? I mean there were issues or you wouldn't be asking, but at the same time that shit is totally on lock. ;) Tight.
You mean like you?
how am I dead set? I am honestly going to probably do something completely different next time. I have said a million time over again now that I am not stuck on wanting to use dry amendments with coco. I have stated that I am looking for better ways because it probably is not optimal. I also am just stating that I did it before on the last run, and I ended up with a good harvest. That is it. No more or less. I am not saying that is what is going to happen every time or there won't be problems because here I am with some problems. Your literally completely taking EVERYTHING I say wrong. So how am I dead set on my way when I am trying to find a better way? This is the part that baffles me
Not once in this whole conversation have I ever once said I was set on using dry amendments with coco. So where is everyone getting this? Yes, If there is a point that someone makes that I know is debatable, I have debated. Thats it. That does not mean I'm set on my way of Coco, because if that were true I wouldn't be trying to find a different way. And I wouldn't be using soil with half of them too. People see and hear what they want.
When I say I did it last time and ended up with a good harvest of weed, I am not bragging or saying everyone needs to be doing this. Obviously, it is not ideal way of doing things because I am here having issues. Not only with the coco, but the living soil too. I am done with this anyway. I am talking for nothing. I'll post pics when I have another successful harvest again. Good luck to everyone and no disrespect. ITS ALL LOVE WITH THE GANJA BABY lighten up everyone, and instead of trolling people when they ask questions, try being genuine and see if it doesn't make you feel like a better person. lol Peace and love everyone. Enjoy your smoke...I sure will.
Not once in this whole conversation have I ever once said I was set on using dry amendments with coco. So where is everyone getting this? Yes, If there is a point that someone makes that I know is debatable, I have debated. Thats it. That does not mean I'm set on my way of Coco, because if that were true I wouldn't be trying to find a different way. And I wouldn't be using soil with half of them too. People see and hear what they want.

Calm down man. Give the coco and dry nutrients a try. If you can make it work better than other methods then do it. Some people make it work. Most end up having issues like that canuck guy on youtube. I posted a screenshot from one of his grows. That's not how you want your plants to look.

I don't remember who but there's been a few posters that have claimed to have made it work. Finish it out the way you want. Learn from it and move on. Don't worry about us assholes. Focus on your grow.
Honestly bro, I am kind of new to this site. Just was trying to get some useful information or advice on a few things and possibly have a few good healthy friendly debates on some things. I didn't expect to get met with such hostility right from the beginning. I know everyone hates Mr. Canuck, but hey, the guy is getting alot of people into growing and wanting to grow and that is a good thing. Most of the information he gives off is good information for a grower learning to grow. Maybe except for the coco with dry amendment thing. But like I said, he is getting ALOT of people interested into the hobby of growing, which is not a bad thing at all. It is an awesome thing for the Cannabis community as a whole.
Honestly bro, I am kind of new to this site. Just was trying to get some useful information or advice on a few things and possibly have a few good healthy friendly debates on some things. I didn't expect to get met with such hostility right from the beginning. I know everyone hates Mr. Canuck, but hey, the guy is getting alot of people into growing and wanting to grow and that is a good thing. Most of the information he gives off is good information for a grower learning to grow. Maybe except for the coco with dry amendment thing. But like I said, he is getting ALOT of people interested into the hobby of growing, which is not a bad thing at all. It is an awesome thing for the Cannabis community as a whole.
Ok, you said you're having trouble with your soil grow also. Let's talk about that. What are you using for soil, container size, are you top dressing or doing super soil, how much are you watering, and at what rate, do you use mulch?
Well, I am using roots organic potting soil. Started off with about 2tbs per gallon of medium of 4-4-4 from Down To Earth. Also a little dolomite, kelp, and azomite. I used a spray bottle to water in the beginning. very little in beginning. Then when they were more established I soaked the cups until I saw a few drops coming out the bottom and let completely dry before watering. Every 4-5 days or so. Transplanted after like 33 days (was waiting for another tent to open where I was drying my last harvest) thats where I think it started going wrong. I think they started getting rootbound there. Then when I transplanted into 2 gallon pots, I believe I soaked the pots way too heavy. I had all the signs of overwatering. I soaked it again 3 days later after transplant (problems were not occuring yet) and then the problems happened. I think between that and the nutrients needing some time to get available sent them into some deficiencies. Pretty much the same problems I have had before in veg. I think I am going to start in bigger nursery pots next time and go to 1 gallons instead of 2. Or just start in 1's until they are ready for 5's and flower in 5's
But usually I top dress every 2-3 weeks with 4 4 4 in veg. Depending how they eat. And my topdress is 4 tbs of worm castings every gallon of medium and 1tbs of 4 4 4 every gallon of medium. Then I switch to a 50 50 of 4 4 4 and dr earth flower girl going into flower. Then pure flower girl after 2 weeks into flower. I stop top dressing and tea's week 5 and water only til the end
When I overwatered I stopped all water to the pot for like 8 days to let them dry out. So they most likely were not getting the nutrients they needed between being flooded in water with the roots and having no nutrients really available
Well, I am using roots organic potting soil. Started off with about 2tbs per gallon of medium of 4-4-4 from Down To Earth. Also a little dolomite, kelp, and azomite. I used a spray bottle to water in the beginning. very little in beginning. Then when they were more established I soaked the cups until I saw a few drops coming out the bottom and let completely dry before watering. Every 4-5 days or so. Transplanted after like 33 days (was waiting for another tent to open where I was drying my last harvest) thats where I think it started going wrong. I think they started getting rootbound there. Then when I transplanted into 2 gallon pots, I believe I soaked the pots way too heavy. I had all the signs of overwatering. I soaked it again 3 days later after transplant (problems were not occuring yet) and then the problems happened. I think between that and the nutrients needing some time to get available sent them into some deficiencies. Pretty much the same problems I have had before in veg. I think I am going to start in bigger nursery pots next time and go to 1 gallons instead of 2. Or just start in 1's until they are ready for 5's and flower in 5's
You can use something like Neptune's Harvest, until your dry amendments start breaking down.

With living soil, the bigger the soil volume the better. As the plant gets bigger, it'll consume more, faster than it can be replaced, if your using too small of a volume of soil. I would go to at least 15 gal container.

When watering, just do 5% water to soil. As they get bigger, up it to no more than 10%. Every once in a while, water til you see a tiny bit of runoff. That way you know you have the entire container moist.

Make sure you use ewc with the dry amendments. Maybe some kashi as well. And always use a good layer of mulch.
Yes Earth Worm Casting is one of my main ingredients. When I mix soil I do 60 percent Roots 20 percent Earth Worm Castings and 20 percent perlite