

Active Member
Thanks =)

What about after it breaks the surface? I think it was something in milliliters.


Well-Known Member
You're kind of overthinking it, and it's difficult for someone to speak in absolutes because of all the variables. Have you taken a read through the GrowFAQs? Have you ever grown anything else from seed?

For instance, do you have 'em in soil or peat pots? How much soil is in the container? What's the relative humidity? How moist is the soil to start out with? I let the plants tell me, so I've learned to do it by "feel", if that makes any sense.


Active Member
Yeah it makes sense. And no, this is my first time growing anything. I tried growing before, but it only grew about an inch then died.

Well one of them I planted in soil, it's about the size of an average plastic cup (I don't know the estimated volume. Humidity is usually 10% or less.


Well-Known Member
I'd always keep its feet wet, then, and if you've got 'em in a tray or similar I would just make sure there's always a little bit of water in it because that's what works for me. Others do it differently, as I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. Once they're big you don't want to do this (keep their feet wet).