

Active Member
Hay Guys,

this year i had a smaller amount of green gold but it blow out my mind after smoking one joint... :)

Can anybody give me a tip for watering outside... not about over or under watering...

Can i make a smaller hole in a can (it will leak slowly out), so i colud go to the place once a week or something like that, i'm tired going there almost every day and is a little bit risky...

thak you guys

PS: i made some hash this year and it tastes like... CHOCCOLATE :)


Well-Known Member
you could do that also someguys use a drip hose system. that green gold sounds mean. is that what you are growing?
I have been thinking about making some hash but it all sound so complicated. but my nephew just gave me a gram of some moroccan hash that is fantastic, having not smoke any hash in over 20 yrs. hard to come by out here in the middle of the ocean.
good luck with that watering problem. aloha


Active Member
what is a drip hose system... haven't heard about it... i mean - i don't have my plants in my garden, so i must bring water in bottles or cans to the place, so i was wondering it there is an easyer way not going to the place every day :)