Number 1...., No 1 what you may ask.... Well, if I asked how much water should a 16 year old drink would you give me the answer? A 24 year old? 45? 63? What about a baby? The plants as humans will show/tell when they are thirsty, but let the soil dry slightly, then water, half a day, a week, whatever! Let it dry a little, or you´ll do what most of us already have done! Overwatering, and that is worse than starving a couple of hrs. Been there, done that... And I have official agricultural education, but don´t know shit about MJ yet....
So no. 1...., for me this tops the list of stupid questions when it comes to plants, and humans for that sake..... If you ask how humid the soil should be....., well thats a good question!
Good luck