

Active Member
I am just about to start a crop of autos in 3gallon buckets but after testing perlite/compost mixes, all of them take 3.5 litres but when I used to grow in 2 gallon buckets with canna coco a litre was enough does anyone know why this is please?


Active Member
I'd like to know why I'm have ing to use more water than usual. I was figuring on using 24L but now it's going to be over double that


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know why I'm have ing to use more water than usual. I was figuring on using 24L but now it's going to be over double that
Honestly I don't see why your measuring water in the first place ......yes a rough measurement is good to make sure you have enough for all but that amount can change as plants get bigger Just water your girls thoroughly until you get drainage


Well-Known Member

do but I wanted to know how much I'd need so I can measure the nutrients
Well you havnt been giving plain water to your ladies to know roughly how much overall you'll need to water all of them .......cause if you can figure out how much it takes to water your whole garden then you can mix one large bucket of nute water and then disperse it from that container to individual plants ....


Well-Known Member
I know all that, this isn't my first grow
K then you know giving your plants water everyday is killing them with kindness depriving the roots of oxygen and that when you water you should water until you get runoff out the bottom and not water again until the soil is bone dry to your first knuckle Also keeping soil constantly wet like your doing now is a great way to attract knats .........but if you knew all that what's the point of your thread and why are you watering incorrectly a few cups everyday that's not good for your girls man .......I'm only giving you my opinion to your problem which you asked for ........sorry I'm honest


Well-Known Member
I have major respect for all growers big or small don't get upset ......just cause you say this is not your first grow doesn't mean there's new things to learn friend ..........I've been growing for a really long time yet I'm still getting good usable info off of the people here. Don't get upset just take the I do as a good thing there's nothing wrong with wanting to better your garden and watering to frequently with to little water is your biggest issue IMO so that's why I'm trying to help you don't take it personal Chill. Go hit the bong no big deal Be happy you may have found the issue


Active Member
Firstly, I did not say I was watering plants. Secondly I did not say a couple of cups a day and thirdly I don't keep the soil constantly wet


Active Member
Firstly, I did not say I was watering plants. Secondly I did not say a couple of cups a day and thirdly I don't keep the soil constantly wet
And I wasn't intending to measure nutrients out 1L at a time. It's medium in a pot, with no plant


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I did not say I was watering plants. Secondly I did not say a couple of cups a day and thirdly I don't keep the soil constantly wet
Your right you mentioned above that you watered when the soil was damp already.....

New Age United

Well-Known Member
In flower at the end I'm watering them every other day and I give them 18.5 liters for 4 plants. Like @Indacouch says your watering too frequently with not enough water. What did you come on this forum for to learn or to fuck with people's heads, what do you mean "i never said I was talking about watering plants".


Active Member
In flower at the end I'm watering them every other day and I give them 18.5 liters for 4 plants. Like @Indacouch says your watering too frequently with not enough water. What did you come on this forum for to learn or to fuck with people's heads, what do you mean "i never said I was talking about watering plants".
Clearly I wanted some advice but people like you seem to just want to make things difficult...so thanks for that


Well-Known Member
It's damp.....like all compost is when purchased
Oh ok I see your watering pots with no plants in them just the dirt you have purchased trying to get a rough Idea of how much water etc you guna need to start your grow and mix nutes .........that totally makes more sense and for the future just remember your dealing with people who love to grow and smoke so a quick temper isn't the best method .........if I was you with the estimated water you have above I'd do 7 gallons of water on the days you mix your batch of nutes If you find that to be a lil much drop to 6 gallons ......as long as you get the runoff out the bottom your golden sorry for the confusion man ......next time just give a lil more info at the beginning of your thread and a pic it helps us to not have these issues Good luck to you hope your plants do well Happy growin


Well-Known Member
Clearly I wanted some advice but people like you seem to just want to make things difficult...so thanks for that
Another good thing you have going is your not guna have to give nutes when there young so you can measure out your normal waterings that way when it comes nute time you'll have the closest amount gallon wise ...........that's good your thinking ahead and getting prepared now .........and soil type mixes always soak up lots more water that's why your having to use more water now ..........good luck