Way to tell gender before flowering?

IMO the best way is natural and second is to clone for sex.

I had one I flowered then set back and it was screwed up bad. The new growth was extremely deformed and over all
the plant took a turn for the worse after.

IMO flipping then going back is too stressful.

Taking a cutting on the other hand doesn't seem to harm it much, sure it will set it back a bit but give it a
week or two to recoup while the clone is at 12/12 and by the time the clone shows the mother (if female) will be ready to be flipped.

Just take a cutting as normal and set to 12/12 from the start. Quick, easy and less stressful.
so if i may jump in real quick ,i have a budda kush x purple nepal that never showed sex in the vegg room and 21 other were. i put it in a12 12 light cycle and now its the best looking out of 22 females.
so if i may jump in real quick ,i have a budda kush x purple nepal that never showed sex in the vegg room and 21 other were. i put it in a12 12 light cycle and now its the best looking out of 22 females.

....how long did you let her veg? ...it would've with more time, I'm sure...I have never had one not show sex in veg.
Maybe it was the 1 good Pheno that needed longer to show maturity :) but you 12/12 with the rest of your reject seeds :D just a thought
yeah, but either way.. the plant (even with no veg at all.. like a 12/12 from sprout grow) eventually all plants will show sex and will fully ripen. The thing about not giving a plant any veg time.. is.. the less veg time you give your plant(s), the longer the plant will take to actually start its flowering process (takes longer to show its true sex; to flower).

alot of people count their plants as being in flowering as soon as they switch over their lights to 12/12. Which is incorrect. The correct way, is to wait until the plant actually shows its first flowers, female plants (calyx with hairs protruding out the center; look like an upside down teardrop).. or first pollen sacks, male plants (banana shapped pod that contains pollen) and then as soon as you notice one of these signs.. thats when you start counting from that moment on as being an actual flowering cycle.

Hopefully that helped clear up any confusion.

totaly agree the flowering timing, i dont start my weekly couints till i see the first signs of budding at roughly a week to 10 days depending on level of stress and gentics
and we test for plant efficacy here and know its a weeker weed if not let to mature naturaly.
HUH!! are you kidding me. im refering to REAL strains, thats coming from stocked breeders. that back crossed strains from there orignal
ansetor, to make it more pure. And i know 12 12 from seed isn the greatest idea. thats commen sence lol.
iv always grown till matuity, then flowered. what i was stating was that some plants mature at 8-12in. because of the genetics.

And sexing plants, i was not talkin about that. you said "peak potency"
and it made me laugh. me, nor you can or, or ever will peak a bud plant to is highest potency.

Strains have been getting better and better every year. by peaking a plant of its potental potency
mean it no longer can get any stronger. BULL SHIT, lmfao...
my lavender has increased every year. and all i do is cross over to afghan or skunk. THE ORIGNAL ansestors
to lavender. it always gets better.

but to you last post, i agree as well..
i dont mark day one untill i can really say shes flowering.
your on a diff page than what im talking about. what i mean by peek potemncy is the same starin run over and over in diff conditions and feed regimes and diff nute levels and we test the cannabinoids and see what we get for the peek potential. you sound like your talking about manipulating the strain by breeding it more...im not, its no longer the same if you breed it to something...even bx it. not the same strain now. and nobody has an original unless they climed a himalyan mountain or somewhere and picked it themselves and kept it for years and years, every year threm landraces in the kush ,mountaibns regrow its a diff strain cause there is no control out there for the pollen.

also it isnt realy the strains that are getting that much better, its now that some of us can legaly do scientific testing and have learned more on what the needs are. like we used to think tomatoes where our closest relative and its nothing to do with pot in fact.
Well i have no clue what your talking about anymore...

this is what i took off it.

when you back cross a strain with its ansestor, its not the same strain, umm lol

nobody has the orignal hindu bud. correct

cant control pollen. OUTDOORS you cant.

strains are not getting better. hahaha

and scince grows the best weed. you know its people like you
that all orignal strains have vanished. scientificly testing weed for cannabnoid levels.
yea brother i know alrealdy. Im a vendor, and one collective does test thc and cbn.
cause cbn is crap. If i gave them anything with .4 cbn over. i aint gettin paid.
so i already know about all that science shit. i like it for patients to understand
and get an idea of how buzzed there gonna get or should i say "medicated".

But all i was even trying to state, was autoflowering strains, they mature under 12-15inches
which leads back to the gene pool AGAIN.
cant grow an auto 5 ft. its GENES wont allow it.

and i was never on a diffrent page. i was stating opinons based on stuff you said.
idk were this 12 12 came. i just said it was easier to do if you dont under stand the makeup
of the plant. sog or scrog status, what about that, are you gonna tell these people your weed is bomber
becuase there flowering un mature plants. hmmmm sounds like a just a lil bit. A couple of my buddies
grow based on scrog, and laughed when i told them about peak potency. nothing agaist you in anyway.
i like your statements. just that one caught my eye.

your on a diff page than what im talking about. what i mean by peek potemncy is the same starin run over and over in diff conditions and feed regimes and diff nute levels and we test the cannabinoids and see what we get for the peek potential. you sound like your talking about manipulating the strain by breeding it more...im not, its no longer the same if you breed it to something...even bx it. not the same strain now. and nobody has an original unless they climed a himalyan mountain or somewhere and picked it themselves and kept it for years and years, every year threm landraces in the kush ,mountaibns regrow its a diff strain cause there is no control out there for the pollen.

also it isnt realy the strains that are getting that much better, its now that some of us can legaly do scientific testing and have learned more on what the needs are. like we used to think tomatoes where our closest relative and its nothing to do with pot in fact.
not sure what a scrog has to do with potency...???? and cbn has no value???..ok. sure on its own it dosent., and how does one control pollen outdoor if that was meant to say i was wrong...you can stop nature blowin wind???..how? besides a greenhosue and i dont call that putdoor. i mean in nature out in the bush. where we arent
Are you ignoring what im saying or what. I DO NOT BREED OUTDOORS. blahahaha. you cant regulate wind, so no you cant control pollen. but were did i say you could lmao. And green house is outdoor. it still has to be labeled outdoor in collectives. some times youll see it labeled greenhouse.
And you said plants that arnt mature arnt good. scrog and sog are not grown to maturity. but flowered
from seed, or from first root. AND guess what, that bud is usally tastey and a bit better. Thc wize.
and i told you cbn has no value. i said if i have anything over .4 cbn i DONT get paid.

so what are you talking about?. this was about plants under 12 12 that arn mature. and "peak" potency lmao
still im vary confused brother...