way to tell which kind you have?


Well-Known Member
im just wondering if it is possible to tell the type of plant you have? and does your type always determine what you call the buds?


Well-Known Member
Usually, 4 days into flowering they show their sex. Femails have pistils with two haris and males grow little sacks.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well there actually people on this board who just by lookng at your buds can name them. I can't lol ;)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I know of no one wqho would place money on what tyupe of plant you have just by looking. Some people can make an educated guess though once the plant is in full flowering stage.

But it is just a guess.


Well-Known Member
its actually really hard to look at a plant n say oh thats such n such. there aint many ppl that can do that..

ravage sometimes it can take up2 2-3 wks into flowering b4 your plant shows its sex. every strain is diff and will show at diff times during flowering.. some will show early and some late...


Active Member
how can i tell what type of weed plant i have ........ it has redish brownish hairs and some of the other hairs are clear light light green with a little bit of frost near the bud and around some of the leaves... i had also stunt the growth of the plant so it is only about 7 inch..,... it looks like my picture


Well-Known Member
that funny. sorry man it`s marijuana. thats the only acurate name for it. way to hard to tell even if it was in front of your face, never mind that description.
sorry buddy i`m not making fun of you.


Well-Known Member
could be lots of strains. like i said you cant give an honest opinion, only geusses. you`ll get lots of those.
call it what you want.


Active Member
what would u say it is... o and whats the differents between cripy and regs... i heard that regs is just older weed and crip is newer younger weed


Active Member
how do u grow weed in a fish bowl ... it is about 9inchs tall and 8inchs wide... how much water do i need and how much rocks and whatever other stuff i need

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Listen to BONZ. Go read the grow Faqs and other people journals.

As for what kind of weed do you have, that strain is deffiniately Mexican Rag weed.:mrgreen: