Ways to cool your light?


Active Member
Hey. I was just wondering of some ways people came up with to cool their hood. I have mine in a 2x2x5 tent and run a ac hose to the intake for the fan/light. It keeps my tent perfect. If I turn the ac off.. the 6" 500cmf fan isn't good enough and the tent rises to 115. I am using a 600w sealed hood with a 6" hydrofarm fan. Looking forward to new idea's!

If I can't find any I'll probably just get a small ac unit that keeps the condensor on and use it just for cooling lights instead of havin' this big ol' 1200 watt ac just for the light haha.


Well-Known Member
Are you sucking air through the light and exhausting it out of the tent? and where is the exhaust air going after that? It needs to obviously be going out the window and not into the room, otherwise you are just recirculating it through your tent. Exhaust the heat out of the room that the tent is in, and keep the room that the tent is in about 78 degrees, and you should be good. Open all the vents on the tent to provide passive intake. Problem solved.


Active Member
Hey cc08150. I exhaust it in to the room. The air coming out is 70 degrees because of the ac. I keep the doors closed so it keeps that cool air in there. I don't use intake and exhaust in the tent because I run co2 at constant 1500ppm. The room is always 75 degrees. Even without the ac going it will be 75 but the tent will be over 100. Maybe it gets hotter in the tent without an ac because I don't use an intake and exhaust in the tent to keep co2 in. Hopefully there's some other ideas for my situation. :D I have lots of fans in the tent.. even the one I used to carry around the apartment. *cry*


Well-Known Member
Theres no way you are gonna get away with any temp like 100 inside its just not going to work. I've been there and done that and all you are gonna get is some skimpy fluffy buds with a less than perfect high. Adding CO2 will help but seriously if you can't even keep your tent in the 70s and 80s there is no point in even trying to use it. You're going to have to have intake and exhaust. so at least get a 600watt AC or something....1200 is a bit hard on the light bill im sure


Active Member
I do but there is only 3. 2 are used for the light. The other is tied off for the co2. My temps are good. I always run the ac. I was hoping for other ideas to cool without an ac or it it's the only way.


Well-Known Member
Get better cooling, at least a 12,000 btu and it will keep it very nice even with 4k watt's going.


Well-Known Member
Like i said if you are just exhausting the hot air from the light into the room, then yes the only way you are going to keep cool is with an AC. But if you were smart about it and hooked up one side of some exhaust ducting to one side of your tent's exhaust/intake port, then hook it to your light, then have other side of ducting coming off other side of your light and out the other exhaust port on the tent, THEN exhaust that air out the window you would be fine. Probably wouldn't even need a dedicated AC in that room if you keep the rest of the house cool.

I have 3 x 400watt lights and that's how i set mine up. My tent stays at 78F with all 3 lights on when outside ambient air is 76F.

Here's how i have mine setup.... Tent Intake port 6">>Light 1>>Light 2>>Light 3>>Tent Exhaust port 6" (This is where my inline fan is pulling air through)>>4 foot run of ducting>>6" Exhaust dryer vent to outside

PS If you run it this way you will not have to worry about smell, as the air is not being contaminated with smell from the tent.


Well-Known Member
i have 1x 400w light with a 275 CFM 6" fan, going out the window and the temp below the light is still around 27-29 C which is like close to 90 F. What can i do? Get a fan to blow air around?


This is a vent count for HPS lamps (tУ = tB + Δt , where Δt = (H - hРЗ) * grad t) Im not count a volume of growbox, if we know middle temperature on in (+22) and in out (+26) w've got a up temperature in growroom and positions with a minimum vent efficiency:

HPS 250:
4°C = 173.14 m3/hour.
5°C = 138.52 m3/hour.
6°C = 115.43 m3/hour.

HPS 400:
4°C = 277.04 m3/hour.
5°C = 221.63 m3/hour.
6°C = 184.70 m3/hour.

HPS 600:
4°C = 415.56 m3/hour.
5°C = 332.45 m3/hour.
6°C = 277.04 m3/hour.

HPS 1000:
4°C = 692.60 m3/hour.
5°C = 554.07 m3/hour.
6°C = 461.73 m3/hour.

i have 1x 400w light with a 275 CFM 6" fan, going out the window and the temp below the light is still around 27-29 C which is like close to 90 F. What can i do? Get a fan to blow air around?
Your variant 4°C = 277.04 m3/hour. (around T about 27-29 sum with 4°C = ~ 32°C =))
At first you need a fan intake to growroom, and make fans\cooler (from PC) nearly buds (for train), or buy a more higer fan from 350 CFM


Well-Known Member
If your exhaust port is near the top of your tent I would open it and if you dont have a port near the top Id just make one, you shouldnt lose much Co2 cuz its a heavy gas and falls to the floor.


Active Member
Is there some type of liquid I could put in a metal container with fins like freon that doesn't require being heated and cooled? Then I could set it in front of the light port intake?

The room/tent is good temps. Just looking for alternate ways to cool the hood without using an ac.
Why don't you just vent the A/C into the room it should keep it cooler. There's no reason to cool your light unless your trying to get it closer to the canopy for increased lumens. Just focus on the temperature in the tent and put a 12" oscillating fan in there it will dissipate the heat from the light.


Active Member
I have heard of 600 being overkill but I have also seen pictures of people with 400 and 250 in the same space and honestly mine look way bigger and more dense.. I want to test that theory soon of course

I have the light a foot away from the tops with a 12" fan on top. Without the ac going it gets way too hot inside. I do like your idea of venting it in the tent. I will do that when i don't have co2.


kirob1415, great ! You wanna to situate exhaust (from the light) on the top of the tent. Does it meaning that CO2 is fall down and heated air is fly to open window in roof of tent? (Sorry for my EN im hope that you understand me )))


53 days in flowering. 600w hps, co2 controller 1500ppm, constant 83 temp except one time a couple weeks ago.. can see my post for burnt top colas.
Im say about you problem with temperature ( Im have the similar ). You have "cooling-bud-system" =))), so other variants is going out - change vent for HPS - it's lowest. Buy new and old use for exhaust, air intake is passive./ Also you may always considering a temperature in room.


Well-Known Member
kirob1415, great ! You wanna to situate exhaust (from the light) on the top of the tent. Does it meaning that CO2 is fall down and heated air is fly to open window in roof of tent? (Sorry for my EN im hope that you understand me )))
Yeah heat rises. I grow in a closet and cut a hole in the ceiling to vent the hot air and have duct hose running from my light > exhaust fan > ceiling on the other end of my light I have an intake duct hose with carbon filter at the end to suck up the cool air into the light then out to the ceiling. I also have an A.C vent in my closet that i connected duct hose to as well and ran it over to my plants to keep that general area a lil cooler, unfortunately that vent is the furthest away from the central air unit in the house and it dont push much air, but its something and it helps to refresh the air. An oscillating fan goes a long ways too. My room stays anywhere from 72/night-84/day BTW Im using a 600w HPS cool tube