WBW Indoor kush Thread!

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Well-Known Member
blue widow is awesome strain. blueberry add so much flava to that white widow. you will like it if ya get it ever.
im still waitin on an order to ship from the 4th. i talked to keith and he told me he'd get it out and hook it up. we'll see.
hope my shit get here sometime next week...... i think i orderd on the 15th.. if it could be here by next friday that would be hella choice!
alright got my tga order today with another nl automatic..
i got 3xquerkle,3xqrazy train and to my surprise 3 chem valley kush all the th seeds and blue widow and critical + for the ufos Im super hype now.Im locked and loaded now for real


Well-Known Member
I just read this post so Idecided to go check my mail...and BLAM. GOt mine too. So fuckin excited! Now, to see what knida shirt I got. Can't type too excited.
Yep, sure did. Got some pretty sweet rolling papers and all my seeds.
Lol alot of people got that i got some tin can that i can use to put my seeds in as a gift i guess i didnt ask for a gift tho so i gues they gave me extra 3 cvk beans.Im cancelling all my cards and i will not buy shit no more lmao...I got well over a good amount i dont even want to say the number because some people will look at me like im crazy but i got enough seeds and i wont need no more.I will just start using my male pollen to make more seeds which will bring me to way more than i need.But im looking out for my peoples they know who they are.Everybody keep it 100 and we all good.


Well-Known Member
Haha. I just had to check out your journal after you tried to diss me by unsubscribing because I wouldn't tell you my genetics. Bro, your gorw is amateur hour. What you need to do is get some real light, resubscribe to my journal, and take some notes. Just because you can grow doesn't mean you should.
Haha. I just had to check out your journal after you tried to diss me by unsubscribing because I wouldn't tell you my genetics. Bro, your gorw is amateur hour. What you need to do is get some real light, resubscribe to my journal, and take some notes. Just because you can grow doesn't mean you should.
Lmao your journal is a joke because you have 1000 watts that makes you a guru lmao..I asked a question whats the genetics you said you did not feel like disclosing it for whatever reason so i said unsubbed funny dude...2x400 watters is all i need for my own consumption have fun with your grow.Im not going to be in that one for sure lol..


Well-Known Member
Haha. I just had to check out your journal after you tried to diss me by unsubscribing because I wouldn't tell you my genetics. Bro, your gorw is amateur hour. What you need to do is get some real light, resubscribe to my journal, and take some notes. Just because you can grow doesn't mean you should.
thats not very nice of you ......
Just look at my current Kush grow journal. This little wigger is trying to talk shit in my thread. He told me he wouldn't give me any help. Boo hoo. Why would I want help from this little ghetto CFL grower?
Okay take your ass back to your thread all i said was i would like to know whats being grown if i plan to watch or give any help not saying you need it foo-foo...What makes you think im a little wigger?
I only use cfls for my clones what the fuck are you talking about


Well-Known Member

Mr. Ganja.... haha. There are so many little faggot growers on here who get the title "Mr. Ganja" and think they're the shit. That title doesn't mean shit bro. I used to have huge rep points on this site and be "Mr. Ganja" also. After you don't visit RIU for a while they disappear and your rank gets dropped. I'm not on here to impress anybody. I'm here to help where I can and to keep a journal that could possibly help somebody if they need a reference for what to feed there plants for a successful grow. As for your single 1k comment, think what you want. I always only grow a 1k when I'm trying out a new strain. If the strain throws down for me I bring those genetics to my real grow. This isn't a pissing contest though so I'm not going to post my real grow just so I can be mr. cool and impress some people in the RIU community that I will never meet.
I'm sure you did, you seem to be very helpful and polite.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed? Never. I grew some seeds from Soma, Sagarmartha, and my friends cross before. Seeds are bullshit in my opinion. Just find the right genetics and go with clones is my advice. But you guys are "Marijuana Expert" and "Mr. Ganja" so what the fuck do I know, right?

And Widow, the reason I think you're a little wigger lies your grammar. You sound like a little wigger, or big wigger. Either way, if it walks like a wigger and quacks like a wigger...
lol your cool as hell for a hillbilly..... why dont you stop trolling now.......

if you ask me nicely maybe i will help you.......
Bagseed? Never. I grew some seeds from Soma, Sagarmartha, and my friends cross before. Seeds are bullshit in my opinion. Just find the right genetics and go with clones is my advice. But you guys are "Marijuana Expert" and "Mr. Ganja" so what the fuck do I know, right?

And Widow, the reason I think you're a little wigger lies your grammar. You sound like a little wigger, or big wigger. Either way, if it walks like a wigger and quacks like a wigger...
Sorry duke try again.The population of brooklyn is basically all spanish and black so like i said try again.
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