WBW Indoor kush Thread!

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there is so much shit out ther witin to be grown and smoked - and i cant do it all in my little tent - and at go big or go home i always go home -not wit my tail betweeen my legs either - its outa respect for for my wife my family -im not init for status or money -just for habit and hobby -everyone has diff reasons and styles -das why dis ia america maufuka -errybody can do day own thing -they own way
dont know nuitn bout da shit you spitin

i looked at who been pstin on whos site an who would drop who
but you know i ant into dat

i cnat go for dat noaoa cant go no no no

for your eyegasmic pleasurs

my medical seeds sour diesl 11 to 12 term this saturday 6 weeks the trichs should see the plant

1Luv Stay True​

lol i hope you got a vacume sealer cuzz your gonna be mailing me some of that!!!!!! nice work
and this is week 6 of a suggested 11 to 12 week term

im wondern where dis plant gona be by den

plants structure is that of a a full back

all genetics -nutin i did - i try to pick good solid genetics

then i get outa da way -an let my mom -mother nature take over
wit you everything goes back to sk

im not hatin i dont have time fo dat shit im glad you got you sk

it sounds like sumthing to be proud of if its as good as you say it is

im just tired of hearin on it -we all know how you value it -lets move on

ther is a whole world of good shit out there -if we take our blinders off- dig them out

stop doin same things over and over

1Luv Stay True
YEah he is a douche for that 4 weeks from recieving something and not even a pm back thats not good biz..

I've never been a douch i just ran into alot of bad luck i moved and all my grow equipment and and seed stock got jacked up i have done trades with a few ppl and this is the first one i had prblms with anyone i have made a deal with can tell you I AM A MAN OF MY WORD!!!!!!!!! I have learnd to much from to many good ppl from this site and others to do any thing foul like tht to any fellow grower. You can ask purp i offered to send him 8 to 10 beans for his 4 and i offered to send mine first,as i have also done before and recived nothing in return to others before. He was moving so i had to wait for his new addy before i could send them but bye the tyme i got it i was also in the process of moving. And i ended up losing my whole seed stock i had collected for the last 5 years also all of my grow equipment,my wife and kids whole identities were stolen half of our stuff was missing by tha tyme we made it to where we were going and wht did make it someone went through. As soon as i was able to let purp know wht happened i did. So you see it's not tht im a Douch tht lykes to screw ppl over it's just tht i dnt have anything to give or plant,not even tha 1s he sent me. But as soon as i get some beans i have told tht man i will repay my debt !!!! Can't help tht lyfes a bitch some tyme wht else can you do but picc up dust off and move forward!!!!!!!!

I've never been a douch i just ran into alot of bad luck i moved and all my grow equipment and and seed stock got jacked up i have done trades with a few ppl and this is the first one i had prblms with anyone i have made a deal with can tell you I AM A MAN OF MY WORD!!!!!!!!! I have learnd to much from to many good ppl from this site and others to do any thing foul like tht to any fellow grower. You can ask purp i offered to send him 8 to 10 beans for his 4 and i offered to send mine first,as i have also done before and recived nothing in return to others before. He was moving so i had to wait for his new addy before i could send them but bye the tyme i got it i was also in the process of moving. And i ended up losing my whole seed stock i had collected for the last 5 years also all of my grow equipment,my wife and kids whole identities were stolen half of our stuff was missing by tha tyme we made it to where we were going and wht did make it someone went through. As soon as i was able to let purp know wht happened i did. So you see it's not tht im a Douch tht lykes to screw ppl over it's just tht i dnt have anything to give or plant,not even tha 1s he sent me. But as soon as i get some beans i have told tht man i will repay my debt !!!! Can't help tht lyfes a bitch some tyme wht else can you do but picc up dust off and move forward!!!!!!!!


Hey man I already apologized for what I said; I was unaware of your circumstances at the time. All is cool my man :)
im hoping my G13 Midnight Kush, & Reserva Privada Sour Kush just turn out girls, they r supposed to be fem's, but idk ever have that happen???????fem bean turns out male....???

I was following someones grow journal on the strain super lemon haze i think it was Kiki and although they were all meant to be feminized she had one full blown male in the bunch, it wasn't even a hermie definitely 100% male form a feminized seed, that is heart breaking!
that is fuked up in so many ways
day makin cash money off our asses for gods shit
selin us shit dat dont germ-autos dat dont auto-now fems dats male-hermies -an what else
at prices dat aint cheap

i raed da book an it says right in ther that god gave us the seeds
dont say nutin about nobody pimpin da seeds an us fo our $$ along wit his bitches in da garden
sposed to be makin deas maufuks an spredin dem around -as call spread da luv

see da pimp always gotta fuk his girls good or day be leavin him -i know the attitude is pimpin me but day fuk me good

1Luv Stay True

ult chemdawg by elite genetics / im gona have mo pic den you up on dis site /whats up wit dat /Doubau Be Daubua

WbW has been around the G13 thread a few times the last few weeks.

That sux about his move an loosing everthing.

Did yall notice they changed the name of this thread?
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