WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW

good shit homie just wondering y u got the grow-micro-bloom 3 part and the flora nova gorw and bloom...i always thought the nova line was stand alone...but i could be wrong...love that nova shit tho..i rock nova bloom nova grow floralicious plus and liquid coolbloom....ive thought of addin some more shit but kinda scared...first time n all
Yea the Nova is for my outdoor plants, and my homie who has a bubba kush clone in that same bac yard, those are my homies, and evrything else is mine for my set up,
yo sicc i gotta big problem my dude i know u dont fuck wit soil indoors but maybe u'll know how to help..i got my 600hps and my plants been suckin water crazy style..but i think i over did it wit my mazar showin signs of over watering wilting and culed in leaves....fuuuuuuuck...ok sorry for that anyway..in late bloom hoe do i fix this...heeeeeelp
im mostly hydro, my homie handles the soil haha, but i found this my nigga

Over watering

Over watering is one of the biggest mistakes new growers make, reason for this is, because they feel the need to give there plant everything and will overdue a lot of things and one of them is over watering. By over watering your plant you soak the roots so much, they can’t get enough oxygen and slowly die. The plant shows signs of over watering by: Wilting, droopy look, yellow and or dead leaves falling off, which includes leaves that don’t look dead falling off. One of the best ways to tell how NOT to over water is by, picking up the pot when it is dry and then picking up the pot after you water. (This is a reason why it’s smart to use light pots.) When you water, you want to water just enough to where you see a bit of water coming out of the bottom, not gushing or pouring out. Just enough to see a little bit, then you know the plant has enough water. To prevent over watering you can either: add more perlite to your soil, add hydrogen peroxide to your water for extra oxygen, all the while killing bacteria if any in the soil. After watering, wait a few days to water. Mj plants like a good watering and then a couple days to dry out in between watering. So it’s very easy to over water. Besides the weight of the pot, another way to test if your plant needs water is to stick your index finger a couple inches into the soil. If the soil at the tip of your finger feels almost dry, then it's time to water again. The top of the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings if it's still moist the plant does NOT need watered. You can also use a moisture meter which will tell you the level of moisture down in the soil. You can buy them at most garden supplies or hydro shops.
Here is a picture of what over watering looks like:

(Picture Provided by ShopVac)
[QUOTE="SICC";2630872]im mostly hydro, my homie handles the soil haha, but i found this my nigga

Over watering

Over watering is one of the biggest mistakes new growers make, reason for this is, because they feel the need to give there plant everything and will overdue a lot of things and one of them is over watering. By over watering your plant you soak the roots so much, they can’t get enough oxygen and slowly die. The plant shows signs of over watering by: Wilting, droopy look, yellow and or dead leaves falling off, which includes leaves that don’t look dead falling off. One of the best ways to tell how NOT to over water is by, picking up the pot when it is dry and then picking up the pot after you water. (This is a reason why it’s smart to use light pots.) When you water, you want to water just enough to where you see a bit of water coming out of the bottom, not gushing or pouring out. Just enough to see a little bit, then you know the plant has enough water. To prevent over watering you can either: add more perlite to your soil, add hydrogen peroxide to your water for extra oxygen, all the while killing bacteria if any in the soil. After watering, wait a few days to water. Mj plants like a good watering and then a couple days to dry out in between watering. So it’s very easy to over water. Besides the weight of the pot, another way to test if your plant needs water is to stick your index finger a couple inches into the soil. If the soil at the tip of your finger feels almost dry, then it's time to water again. The top of the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings if it's still moist the plant does NOT need watered. You can also use a moisture meter which will tell you the level of moisture down in the soil. You can buy them at most garden supplies or hydro shops.
Here is a picture of what over watering looks like:

(Picture Provided by ShopVac)

yea my dude thats usually my M.O. my mazars soil got too much clay so i didnt realize after i watered about half acup of run off came out so i emptied run off and then put her back in to chill....10 mins later i came back and her run off dish was overflowing....FUUUCK...so damage done lesson learned...now im just searchin the internet for what do do next to try to releive as much stress as possible..so far ive heard:

place in sun to dry out...i cant do this plant to big to take outside

airate soil..stick something in soil make abunch of lil holes down to the botom of pot to get a lil o2 to the roots

but if shook of fuckin her up cause shes in late bloom

thanks for the help sicc i feel u most of the growers i know on here are hydro...i just gotta make that switch already..lol..pumps and sprayers on the way
I'm stoked to see what you get going next w/ your indoor setup sicc. And I'm stoked to see how all those outdoor plants turn out under that Cali sun. I'm just stoked on everything! Haha and stoned, too.
Hey SICC. Use the hygrozyme sparingly in the early going. It's great for preventing algae and breaking the algae down into usable nutrients. But it can do some damage to the roots if used at the recommended doses from the get-go. Turns the roots all brown and gives them a type of root rot. And at the cost of those bottles, I'm sure you won't mind not using too much (shit's expensive as hell). I used it for my last grow and it definately worked for algae prevention but I never needed to use too much. Especially given what they recommend on that bottle.
yea man i gota hook at at the hydro shop, i got it for free, same with two bottles of the koolbloom, my homie knows the owner,so he gave us a fat deal
[quote="SICC";2631850]yea man i gota hook at at the hydro shop, i got it for free, same with two bottles of the koolbloom, my homie knows the owner,so he gave us a fat deal[/quote]
hell yea dats the shit i wish i had a hook up like that!we dont even have a grow shop where i live:-(
Yeah no doubt man, sounds like a sweet hook-up. My hydro guy is pretty chill, but he doesn't give me free shit! Haha its funny, he's got this sign in the shop that basically says "Don't ask me about any illegal shit and we're all good!"
Sup homies, it's "SICC" my acount got banned for some reason, have no clue why, and it aint gonna be unbanned, so i guess i wont be on RIU any more, shit is lame, 2 years of loyality for nothing :roll:

find me at www.growitup.org West West yall
Sup homies, it's "SICC" my acount got banned for some reason, have no clue why, and it aint gonna be unbanned, so i guess i wont be on RIU any more, shit is lame, 2 years of loyality for nothing :roll:

find me at www.growitup.org West West yall
damn homie thats fucked up what the hell is this site goin to im dissapointed o well ill prolly be next
Dude WTF is up w/ that? Thats some bullshit man. You're like the third member I know of thats gotten banned in the last week. I'm thinking about jumping ship...
Dude check it out i posted two threads about why he got banned one in indoor growing and another in general mj hit em up and maby we can get some awnsers this is dumb
ciao sicc!! haha what up? hows it all goin? hope those nutes are helpin out the family over there. i finally got a connec to the internet so i jumped right on this shit. is the A.W. showin any signs of sex now. and hows the baby bubba...gettin fat hopefully haha