WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW


Well-Known Member
lookin good mang...

my ish is pretty much done cureing....its a beautiful thing keep it up ur almost there gunna be some mad growth soon

+Rep them flowers


Well-Known Member
yea that og kusg is gonna be some dank ass shit,,i almost ordered sum og kush beans from attitude..it was soooo close,,,,but i love the afghans


Well-Known Member
whats good all? woke up this morning to the FB leaning on some on the lights :(

the buds are ok, but she basically has no fan leaves now haha. just a damn sticc with buds, the OGK is fine, seems like the FB is takin all the hits, ever since that damn power outage, i have been having pH problems, and the FB is taking it the worst, can really care less at this point, my yeild probably wont be too good, but i have been thru so much shit its all good haha. so im basically betting on my OGK, the FB seems to be ripining a lil faster too, she has alot more orange hairs, but ima just let her go as long as i can, and se what happends, basically she is a lollipop now, so maybe i will get a fat ass cola haha


Well-Known Member
Damn Sicc sounds like we are gonna have to just take all ur lights away man. That sucks bro. Sorry to hear mang. Checking in man. Probably gonna be harvesting this wekend on most. New pix in journal man check um out.


Well-Known Member
You didn't really expect to get through an entire grow without your lights f'n with you, did ya? Glad to hear that everyone is okay though.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I think what happens when you take too many fan leaves off is that the fan leaves closer to the buds start getting nitrogen drained from them and turn yellow/die. And you want that to happen to the fanleaves at the bottoms and shit you were going to take off anyway.

The bud will be fine, you just might have some yellowing on the bud leaves.

I had some crappy shit go down this grow for me too, now I've got what looks like 2 plants left out of 4 females. :/

But yea I have had similar problems using the AG grow nets, probably because they are rounded at the bottom of the lip. I have since upgraded to 2" net pot and been much happier.


Well-Known Member
Oh well atleast one of them is lookin good. You'll get some bud though. So what happened... Do you think you trimmed to many fan leaves or am i missing something


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2488328]whats good all? woke up this morning to the FB leaning on some on the lights :(

the buds are ok, but she basically has no fan leaves now haha. just a damn sticc with buds, the OGK is fine, seems like the FB is takin all the hits, ever since that damn power outage, i have been having pH problems, and the FB is taking it the worst, can really care less at this point, my yeild probably wont be too good, but i have been thru so much shit its all good haha. so im basically betting on my OGK, the FB seems to be ripining a lil faster too, she has alot more orange hairs, but ima just let her go as long as i can, and se what happends, basically she is a lollipop now, so maybe i will get a fat ass cola haha
man did the fans fall off or..i know you didnt prune em off...thats a newb mistake man..i hope thats not the case,,but dog the fans is where the plant stores all of its VITAL nutes that it needs for GROWTH ma man,,without the fans,,it aint good...hope it makes it man fa real!Much luv ma nigga.


Active Member
AWWW, SICC....too bad. :cry: I'm thinking you'll still have a decent yield, although not as much as you hoped for. But, who ever gets as much as they hope for?!?


Well-Known Member
well she is still alive, but her fan leaves got burnt, the ones which were left haha. all her lower fan leaves are gone, she has all the ones from her cola, except for one which got burnt, the fan leaves basically protected the buds, would be no point in having them on, and the others died from deficiency's, i kept all of em on as long as i could, like i said, that power outage reall fuc'd me over on the FB, but she's fine, just naked haha, will post some pics friday, still got some pics of the outdoor plant from this weekend, will probably put them up later


whats going on man....looked though all the posts up to now. everything looks really good man. I just ordered some OG kush seeds. where did you get yours from?


Well-Known Member
Wud up sicc, juss checkin in, damn homie that same shit happened to me twice already no fan leaves stunts tha growth. Ive had bad luc wit hydro lol but thats juss me. Ive grown bout 8 plants over this past year, all of them female and all have died right after they flower. I fuckin suck lol ive given up on hydro and switched back to soil for now until i can master this flowerin state shit lol. Germination ive had 100% no problems so far all female, vegitative state 100% no problems. Flowerin state is disastorious lol. Stay growin, keep da faith and stay safe homie.


Well-Known Member
Damn sicc sorry to hear bout the fan leaves hopefully theyll be allright! be waiting to see that update friday man.go check out my thread i posted about 15 new pics!


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2490413]well she is still alive, but her fan leaves got burnt, the ones which were left haha. all her lower fan leaves are gone, she has all the ones from her cola, except for one which got burnt, the fan leaves basically protected the buds, would be no point in having them on, and the others died from deficiency's, i kept all of em on as long as i could, like i said, that power outage reall fuc'd me over on the FB, but she's fine, just naked haha, will post some pics friday, still got some pics of the outdoor plant from this weekend, will probably put them up later[/quote]

damn ma nig..the hurrican killed my crop last year,,,no elec. for 2 weeks!!straight murdered.


Well-Known Member
haha yea i saw you post that somewhere, shit really fuc'd me over, but its still technically my "first grow" haha, so whatever yield im cool with, but im vegging longer next grow and gonna topp as well, now ima focus on yeild, i got everything else down