We Are Divine Beings


Well-Known Member
We are organisms of the Kingdom Animalia, the Phylum Chordata, the Class Mammalia, Order Primates, Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, Species sapiens.

We are a highly adaptive organism, with an intellect that seems to waste most of its time worrying about whether or not we are 'better' than other species of organisms, fearful that we don't have a special place in the universe.


Active Member
We are organisms of the Kingdom Animalia, the Phylum Chordata, the Class Mammalia, Order Primates, Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, Species sapiens.

We are a highly adaptive organism, with an intellect that seems to waste most of its time worrying about whether or not we are 'better' than other species of organisms, fearful that we don't have a special place in the universe.
I dont know about so much if we waste most of our time comparing ourselves with other species. I believe we waste most of our time trying to compete with other humans.

The thing with other species is that they seem to live in much more peace and harmony than humans do. In my opinion, that makes them a "better" species.

Also we may not have a special place in the universe, but we do have an even more important special place within ourselves. Many humans, in my view, have lost this connection within themselves and have become slaves of the physical world.

We Love 1

New Member
We are made in the image and likeness of God. So therefor that makes Us gods. Everyone is the god of Self. But We have Jesus/God/Allah as the God with the big G.

Jesus loves you!


make SENSE

if we are all gods then why does lightning not flow from the tips of my fingers on command


Active Member
make SENSE

if we are all gods then why does lightning not flow from the tips of my fingers on command
because that's what a "god's" power is believed to be.Our powers (for now) is that we are conscious, we can feel, we can think, and we can imagine.

Another theory is, we once did have these so called "godly powers"( i dont think lightning from the finger) in human history. Over time, they were used less and less and therefore were erased in history (if you do not know, most of our history is actually under the oceans) or one day they were there, and just as the indigenous people vanished with no trace, so did these powers. When these so called powers are not used by humans, they DO NOT exist. We only perceive what is visible by our 5 senses of what is real. We forget we have about another 100 senses which are unused and therefore do not exist in mankind today.

We Love 1

New Member
make SENSE

if we are all gods then why does lightning not flow from the tips of my fingers on command
Go to a dry room (the less humidity the better I think) and rub you feet on the new carpets and touch a door knob or something. Than BAM "lightning" flowing from your finger tips, and on command. Its on command because you can touch the grounded piece of metal any time.

HAHA JK, but its the closest thing I could come up with. :lol:

Millions of people believe Jesus is God and He never had lightning come out of His fingers. He was human too. He was born and had to eat, drink, poop, work, etc, too.

And look at all the things We can do now. We can talk to eachother at the speed of light from all across the world. We can send humans to other planets like the moon. We can fly at supersonic speeds. We can dive to the deepest depths of the ocean. We can send people to space stations in space. We can do pretty much anything that can be thought about. We can do it. Just give it time. Imagine what the world is going to be like in 100,000 years. :D We are living in prehistoric times.

Jesus loves you.


Go to a dry room (the less humidity the better I think) and rub you feet on the new carpets and touch a door knob or something. Than BAM "lightning" flowing from your finger tips, and on command. Its on command because you can touch the grounded piece of metal any time.

HAHA JK, but its the closest thing I could come up with. :lol:

Millions of people believe Jesus is God and He never had lightning come out of His fingers. He was human too. He was born and had to eat, drink, poop, work, etc, too.

Jesus loves you.

not dissin on jesus but its rather unfortunate one charismatic man can completely sweep up the minds of sheep

reminds me of a certain black man in todays society


Active Member
Hey, leave Wayne Brady alone!

That goes to prove how easy a whole nation, or even the whole world, can be controlled keenly.

All it takes is putting on a black face and promising false hopes that all the people wish they could have like bring the troops home or closing guantanamo.


Well-Known Member

That goes to prove how easy a whole nation, or even the whole world, can be controlled keenly.

All it takes is putting on a black face and promising false hopes that all the people wish they could have like bring the troops home or closing guantanamo.
Wayne Brady never promised to bring any troops home or close Guantanamo, but the brother sure can sing.

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?



Active Member
Watch Earthlings, then you will see humans as the scum of the earth.
And screw you for taking Bill Hicks out of context. He is my hero and that skit has nothing to do with humans being divine, it's actually about humans NOT being divine...


Active Member
Watch Earthlings, then you will see humans as the scum of the earth.
And screw you for taking Bill Hicks out of context. He is my hero and that skit has nothing to do with humans being divine, it's actually about humans NOT being divine...
i agree that humans are the scum of the earth today, but thats because of the environment we are raised in. Naturally i believe humans to only be beings of pure unconditional love energy. Our environment (government, beliefs, and greed) is what makes us scum.

And you can interpret bill hicks works in different ways and his skit wasn't about being divine but what he says in the end is very important in the eyes of the spiritualists. maybe you dont understand the context of what hes trying to say but if you listen, he says to see us all as ONE in the eyes of LOVE.

If we are all truly one (in which i believe) then we are divine beings. What we perceive to be divine maybe does not exist in the physical world but it sure does it the spiritual.