We are interested in oppening a 500 square meters cannabis farm in Macedonia


New Member
We are interested in opening a 500 square meters cannabis farm in Macedonia. We already have an approved licence from the state officials, and we would like to ask if you can help recommend a company that is able to complete our project. In other words, we are looking for a company based in Europe that can successfully project our farm from scratch. We also want to note that we have an unlimited budget, and the 500 square meters would just be a starting point. We would really appreciate if you can recommend someone. Many thanks in advance! Regards,
We are interested in opening a 500 square meters cannabis farm in Macedonia. We already have an approved licence from the state officials, and we would like to ask if you can help recommend a company that is able to complete our project. In other words, we are looking for a company based in Europe that can successfully project our farm from scratch. We also want to note that we have an unlimited budget, and the 500 square meters would just be a starting point. We would really appreciate if you can recommend someone. Many thanks in advance! Regards,
Contact Fluence. I highly suggest looking up their lights. A lot of big commercial farms are beginning to use them and showing amazing results.
There are plenty more examples on youtube. One of the biggest Herb farmers in the world also uses them. They are based in USA but im sure its not a problem if money isnt an issue.
I can taste the vomit in my mouth....
Another rich mofo buying the right to grow weed even though they have never done it, while those who made this industry what it is today are still hiding in the shadows.
I live in Alaska. From New Mexico. I've watched the green slime overtake us the second it becomes legal.

Typical capitalist scheme - those who know grow. Those who can't but have money own and control everything. Expert growers here used and discarded.

One time black market buyers now legal cannabis business owners. With an obligation to report black market sellers to Facebook.

Fuck the goddamned wealthy. Kill the motherfuckers and tell God they died.