I've been robbed..it was by my "friend"..3 guys kicked in the door at 3am,one with a gun,another with a bat,other unarmed, all masked..
I let them get $200...20k was in the chimney flu on a string..but they had no idea..they just knew I had cash cause I called my "friend" often to get bags of herb,he sold a decent bag to me every 3 days or so...
So then I find out way later,who it was,and by then,he had got in an argument at a party with a dude,run away letting a few fly from THE SAME GUN I was robbed with,and killing dude..I think he did 8yrs...
They were on coke.
Got 2 other instances, one where I was chilling at a dudes house and he got his door kicked in by 8 dudes and we got held up..they thought the K on the table was COKE,did a few lines on the way out from robbin everyone..i got lucky,I learned immediately what was going on as I heard the door..I layed on the ground like they said,on top of all my shit..

3 time I was mugged by 3 guys and a gun..random mugging...but,I bet the were on COKE.