We gotta be able to work WITH the GOP

I really am not getting why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would try to work together here....... I've never once pointed fingers at either party in my comment. Would it make things better if I said I hope they all argue like children? Is that what you all want to hear!

I really don't understand why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would work together. I never pointed to either side as being worse or better than the other. I personally vote for who I think is the better choice, and not by party. I'm just saying let's work together to get things fixed cause it's not working the way it's going.....
I agree with you. Even if they hate each other, they were elected to do a job that very few of them are doing. And they're getting paid really well for it (and that's not counting the insider trading that makes most of them millionaires).
if I may …

while superficially it sounds like a good sentiment, it completely neglects the fact that one of the two parties is not playing by the rules of a pluralistic society.

So, usually the folks who call for rapprochement are dignifying the rogue party as if it were still part of a legitimate democratic discourse.

Most of the time, that is a stalking-horse for the rogue party’s undemocratic (fascist, authoritarian) objectives.

Perhaps that is why your post got pushback. At best, it is naïve. At worst, it is whitewashing fascism.
if I may …

while superficially it sounds like a good sentiment, it completely neglects the fact that one of the two parties is not playing by the rules of a pluralistic society.

So, usually the folks who call for rapprochement are dignifying the rogue party as if it were still part of a legitimate democratic discourse.

Most of the time, that is a stalking-horse for the rogue party’s undemocratic (fascist, authoritarian) objectives.

Perhaps that is why your post got pushback. At best, it is naïve. At worst, it is whitewashing fascism.
I agree with you. Even if they hate each other, they were elected to do a job that very few of them are doing. And they're getting paid really well for it (and that's not counting the insider trading that makes most of them millionaires).
Omg thank you! Hope you don't get fought as much as I did. I'll never post on a political post again! Lol
Here's the thing though:

Even the non-Trumpy Republicans are so wacked out on "Don't Say Woke", "Don't Say Gay" nonsense that it's nearly impossible to take ANY of them seriously.

I agree that Party politics really needs more cohesion like there used to be. There's good ideas to be had there, I'm sure, underneath all the buzzword bullcrap.
Here's the thing though:

Even the non-Trumpy Republicans are so wacked out on "Don't Say Woke", "Don't Say Gay" nonsense that it's nearly impossible to take ANY of them seriously.

I agree that Party politics really needs more cohesion like there used to be. There's good ideas to be had there, I'm sure, underneath all the buzzword bullcrap.
Those aren’t non-maga; that is their sales pitch.

GOP purged the republicans i. e. the ones who are good with a republic
I don't think anyone was trolling me, I also don't think I was trolling anyone either. Call it naïve bet yes I think people working together will achieve more than people bickering about everything. Like the article I attached said. Rep vote party lines 93% of the time, dems vote party lines 92% of the time. Yes it's not 100%, but that rounds up to it. I think Trump is a blow hard that is abrasive and needed to put down the dang Twitter, but he isn't president anymore...... he won't go away if people won't let him. My opinion is a lot of federal topics need pushed to state level, and a lot of the state topics need to go away. I've always said, Indiana and California are not the same and can't be governed the same. Indiana don't want abortions, fine. Cali wants them, fine. Truthfully what someone else does is simply none of my business. And I think people minding their own business would solve a lot of things. Unfortunately we don't live in that world anymore. Your rights end where mine begins is the way we all go around. Remember when people didnt call the cops for everything? I just think working together would solve a lot of thinfs. A bunch of people screaming has never fixed anything.
I don't think anyone was trolling me, I also don't think I was trolling anyone either. Call it naïve bet yes I think people working together will achieve more than people bickering about everything. Like the article I attached said. Rep vote party lines 93% of the time, dems vote party lines 92% of the time. Yes it's not 100%, but that rounds up to it. I think Trump is a blow hard that is abrasive and needed to put down the dang Twitter, but he isn't president anymore...... he won't go away if people won't let him. My opinion is a lot of federal topics need pushed to state level, and a lot of the state topics need to go away. I've always said, Indiana and California are not the same and can't be governed the same. Indiana don't want abortions, fine. Cali wants them, fine. Truthfully what someone else does is simply none of my business. And I think people minding their own business would solve a lot of things. Unfortunately we don't live in that world anymore. Your rights end where mine begins is the way we all go around. Remember when people didnt call the cops for everything? I just think working together would solve a lot of thinfs. A bunch of people screaming has never fixed anything.
My perspective is a bit different.
That man was not cause but effect.
GOP went divisive in ‘81 but it took time to be really sure.

The sham of supply-side economics was the first serious indicator.

So, for working together to uhm work, there needs to be a common desired outcome.

When there is none such, calls for collaboration are at best uninformed. At worst, they’re authoritarian assists.
My perspective is a bit different.
That man was not cause but effect.
GOP went divisive in ‘81 but it took time to be really sure.

The sham of supply-side economics was the first serious indicator.

So, for working together to uhm work, there needs to be a common desired outcome.

When there is none such, calls for collaboration are at best uninformed. At worst, they’re authoritarian assists.
Ah, but there is a common desired outcome..... from us, they are voted in to do what we think is the best course of action. The last few elections I have felt that neither party has provided us with president material..... but I also don't think Biden is doing what is best for us. They just trudge to their side of the isle and do as told... when you have two extremely divided parties running thing things just tend to go back and forth. It's like watching a never ending badminton match. Biden is doing everything to undo what Trump did, and the next rep president will do the same to Biden. Hiw about we just address the problem and both parties tie their pride and actually put forth a foundation to solve thus problem. If we had both parties rolling up their sleeves and start placing the corner pillers I think the details will start to work out themselves. We love in a country that is in a uproar over a beer can! I really think that topic has bled down through political opponents.
Ah, but there is a common desired outcome..... from us, they are voted in to do what we think is the best course of action. The last few elections I have felt that neither party has provided us with president material..... but I also don't think Biden is doing what is best for us. They just trudge to their side of the isle and do as told... when you have two extremely divided parties running thing things just tend to go back and forth. It's like watching a never ending badminton match. Biden is doing everything to undo what Trump did, and the next rep president will do the same to Biden. Hiw about we just address the problem and both parties tie their pride and actually put forth a foundation to solve thus problem. If we had both parties rolling up their sleeves and start placing the corner pillers I think the details will start to work out themselves. We love in a country that is in a uproar over a beer can! I really think that topic has bled down through political opponents.

biden did more in first year than last gop presidents did positively since bushes and than some , for all the bad in the world and issues going on you can’t blame a person (biden) to fix it all But also be able to correct everything when what gop is doing (counters) …. Biden corrected sooo much and tried to and also got shit done, but also did it in a way unlike trump where he wanted credit like his. God but also the best of everything. shit with the gop trying to de angle anything he does u wonder why nothing can get done easy? The gop did same crap to Clinton, Obama . filibusters and using every power they had to fuck it up. You wonder why I don’t support gop? Honestly I can’t think of anyone I see in politics or not that doesn’t deserve but also is shown in public in actions to be so non corrupt but also wants in passion for the better good. Biden isn’t a robot or perfect but he serve deserves respect cause even a lot of democrats I wouldn’t want that position and def aren’t as clean as biden on record

maybe before u don’t like someone, why? Well I can def tell you why I hate trump and many of gop and there’s def facts and actions from them to back any . It’s just I see so many news to people saying biden had high levels of people who hate him and also don’t like what he has done? For one thing who are they asking? I know I’ve never been asked and if ur getting votes/asking. Well who are they getting these votes/inputs from? It’s easy to say you did so much but also the other party is a loser but if ur the party making the issues worse isn’t your fault?




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...Like we USED to be able to, before Trump's splitting maul hit our country

it would be helpful if he was to just die on his own
The extreme vitriol from the Right in America predates Trump by decades. Who remembers Nasty Newt Gingrich? This has been a process that has taken my adult lifetime, since the Reagan Revolution, to reach the impasse where we find ourselves today.